Fuck streetracing. My friends could be dead right now.


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
DreamerTheresa said:
Please. Like you do the speed limit on the freeway. "Speeding is bad" my ass.

And EVERYONE street races. Even the goddamn soccer moms in their suburban assault vehicles if you're at a red light on a street that goes from two lanes into one.

I street race. In fact, I fucking love street racing. Will I stop? No.
Will I do it on a road while there are oncoming cars or other traffic? No.
There's a smart way to do it (and I'm sure a good few of you will think that oxymoronic), which is why I go months if not years between a race because I'm not going to put bystanders/passengers at risk.

Fuck street racing? No.
Fuck stupid people who can't drive and can't handle any amount of speed and don't know the physics of their car.
And fuck those people who think they're the speed police who like to cut people off and stomp on the brakes (and believe me, I've been witness to that, too).

can i get an AMEN

on that note i saw an ad on craigslist where some guy was looking for a 93-98 supra for his son. i felt it was only right to inform the man that if this was the boys first car that he should start him off on something else for a time then get him the car. i told the guy i would hate to see another kid killed but in reality it's the supra that would pain me. (only joking(kinda))
Last edited:


Fire is my friend.
Oct 22, 2006
Augusta, GA
DreamerTheresa said:
Please. Like you do the speed limit on the freeway. "Speeding is bad" my ass.

And EVERYONE street races. Even the goddamn soccer moms in their suburban assault vehicles if you're at a red light on a street that goes from two lanes into one.

I street race. In fact, I fucking love street racing. Will I stop? No.
Will I do it on a road while there are oncoming cars or other traffic? No.
There's a smart way to do it (and I'm sure a good few of you will think that oxymoronic), which is why I go months if not years between a race because I'm not going to put bystanders/passengers at risk.

Fuck street racing? No.
Fuck stupid people who can't drive and can't handle any amount of speed and don't know the physics of their car.
And fuck those people who think they're the speed police who like to cut people off and stomp on the brakes (and believe me, I've been witness to that, too).

i admit i street race, but i dont do rediculous things, i understand what i can and cant do.

Street racing is not what caused all of this, it was the stupidity. And especially with that many people in those cars!


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
Mk3Jesse said:
i admit i street race, but i dont do rediculous things, i understand what i can and cant do.

Street racing is not what caused all of this, it was the stupidity. And especially with that many people in those cars!

no to stupidity the fact that he crashed does not make him stupid. I means he has a close to total lack of knowage of care of what you need to do to keep it safe at any speed over the limit. I have always thought that there should be tests you can take that you must pay for the get a diffrent type of licance to make it legal to go more then the limit say in 10mph icrament and each 10mph mean anothewr test, and I don't mean some push over BS test like your drivers test.

Me and my friend want out to this road this weekend to watch his neph. ride a bike. and he was telling me that was the road every one used to street race on. until they put a gate up. I was wondering why they would put a gate up that least before the gate they where out in the middle of fucking no where.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
It's not the speeding or the racing that bothers me, it's the fact that they were doing it with 3 passengers in each car. Go kill yourself if you want, but not with 3 friends in the car. The vehicle is too heavy to control in high speed maneuvers with that much weight in it.


Sep 15, 2006
Kent, Washington
damn, I'm with alot of the people here also. Yea, I streetrace, but I don't get all into it as where I swerve around traffic or go at high speeds around traffic. It must be an empty road and If I know for sure right away who is gonna win then I am done, its settled right there. I am glad I started off with a chrysler lebaron, I beat that $650 car to crap. I had it for about 3 months and I killed the tranny.


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
For anyone who actually cares, as far as research currently suggests it is the frontal cortex that doesn't develope fully until after the teenage years. That is the current reasoning as to why teenagers rebel and do stupid things. The frontal cortex is associated with higher level functioning (reasoning, logical thought, emotion control, etc.) If anyone wants to know what it is like having NO frontal cortex you should look up the case of Phineas Gage. He had a metal rod blown through his head pretty much removing his frontal cortex and lived through it w/o losing consciousness.

Sorry if you're bored, this is what I love :p.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Hey man, this thing kind of got derailed but i hope your friends make it out ok with no permanent injuries.

i've seen my share of street races and participated in a couple i'll admit but ALWAYS try to use logic in the situation. I ABSOLOUTLY WILL NOT race someone i dont trust to be side by side at 100+, i've turned down races because i've seen how crappy the other guys brakes are or how bad their alignments are and refuse to take the risk of them killing themselves and me being held responsible.

Never bring anyone in the same car in a race.
never do it in a place where it will endanger others not involved
never race someone unless they are as, if not more competant than you are assuming you know how to drive a car safely at any speed and understand the physics of a 4k pound car moving at 100+mph.

Take care out there, and make sure to take care of your friends who might do this.


Supramania Contributor
Personally, I've found the best street races to be with the off duty PD officers... but barring that, any reponsible person can street race.

Few tips.
1) Choose an empty roadway. (Highways are actually great because they generally do not have telephone poles and side streets.)
2) Case out your intended race track... Drive down it one way, leave a person with a FRS radio there to watch for traffic and the PD, and then drive back to the next exit for example and post another person there....
3) No PD, no traffic, setup and RACE!!!
4) Get done, pick up your lookouts and leave the area as you found it. Empty.

Side roads with minimal cross streets are good too. Just watch out for telephone poles, driveways and irrigation ditches. (All can be deadly.)

As far as speed being the problem... What a crock of shit! The PD knows that speed does not kill, and the mantra "55 stay alive" is also crap.

You don't need to be going very fast to die. It's the way you decelerate that kills you. If your body/head stops too fast, your brain smashes into the skull bones, and your internal organs smash into your ribs/abdomen and are damaged. Either the brain or organ damage can kill you.

I firmly belive that after 10+ years of investigating car crashes, and nearly 24 years of driving experiance, that the following reasons are at the heart of any crash or loss.
1) Inattentive driving. (IE: Doing anything other than paying attention to driving the car.)
2) Lack of experiance or skill. (IE: You need to learn how to drive.)
3) Too fast for conditions. (IE: When there is snow and ice on the road, don't over drive your tires grip.)

Note that too fast for conditions is not "speeding" in the classic sense. In some conditions, 5mph is the right speed of travel. In others, 75mph is clearly not a problem. On an empty freeway going across Montana, Nevada or any of the other Western and Mid Western states, 150mph is not a problem. (But you have to pay attention, have your car in good order, and the traffic around you has to be trained to anticipate those speeds.)

Case in point?
Autobahn in Germany. Very high speeds, very highly trained drivers, and they actually have a LOWER fatality rate per million miles traveled than the USA highway/freeway system.

So, the next time some joker says "Speed kills" ask about the autobahn being safer per miles driven than our speed controlled highways and then discuss the real reason people crash their cars. Inattention, inexperiance and poor judgement on weather conditions.

PS. Hope your friends all live to learn how to drive. Go take a motorcycle MSF course, and it will talk about traction pies, the same applies to your car, only you don't fall down when you run out of pie, you just slide out of control...


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
Adjuster said:
Personally, I've found the best street races to be with the off duty PD officers... but barring that, any reponsible person can street race.

Few tips.
1) Choose an empty roadway. (Highways are actually great because they generally do not have telephone poles and side streets.)
2) Case out your intended race track... Drive down it one way, leave a person with a FRS radio there to watch for traffic and the PD, and then drive back to the next exit for example and post another person there....
3) No PD, no traffic, setup and RACE!!!
4) Get done, pick up your lookouts and leave the area as you found it. Empty.

Side roads with minimal cross streets are good too. Just watch out for telephone poles, driveways and irrigation ditches. (All can be deadly.)

As far as speed being the problem... What a crock of shit! The PD knows that speed does not kill, and the mantra "55 stay alive" is also crap.

You don't need to be going very fast to die. It's the way you decelerate that kills you. If your body/head stops too fast, your brain smashes into the skull bones, and your internal organs smash into your ribs/abdomen and are damaged. Either the brain or organ damage can kill you.

I firmly belive that after 10+ years of investigating car crashes, and nearly 24 years of driving experiance, that the following reasons are at the heart of any crash or loss.
1) Inattentive driving. (IE: Doing anything other than paying attention to driving the car.)
2) Lack of experiance or skill. (IE: You need to learn how to drive.)
3) Too fast for conditions. (IE: When there is snow and ice on the road, don't over drive your tires grip.)

Note that too fast for conditions is not "speeding" in the classic sense. In some conditions, 5mph is the right speed of travel. In others, 75mph is clearly not a problem. On an empty freeway going across Montana, Nevada or any of the other Western and Mid Western states, 150mph is not a problem. (But you have to pay attention, have your car in good order, and the traffic around you has to be trained to anticipate those speeds.)

Case in point?
Autobahn in Germany. Very high speeds, very highly trained drivers, and they actually have a LOWER fatality rate per million miles traveled than the USA highway/freeway system.

So, the next time some joker says "Speed kills" ask about the autobahn being safer per miles driven than our speed controlled highways and then discuss the real reason people crash their cars. Inattention, inexperiance and poor judgement on weather conditions.

PS. Hope your friends all live to learn how to drive. Go take a motorcycle MSF course, and it will talk about traction pies, the same applies to your car, only you don't fall down when you run out of pie, you just slide out of control...

This is some of the best informantion you could possablly learn to do all of it if you can't drive dont go fast learn get faster as you get better not the other way around


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
Well I hope for your friends' speedy recovery. All they can really do at this point is chalk it up to a bad experience and hopefully learn from it?! On another note, I still firmly believe that US should get rid of it's speed limits on it freeways. Look at the Autobahn in Germany or the AutoStrada in Italy for example. They by en-large have no posted speed limits on those roads and their fatality rates are way lower then the fatality rates for US interstates. Even when Montana got ride of it's speed limit's on it's interstates the fatality rates when down. I think that Americans by en-large dont know how to drive fast though unfortunately. Plus you have all those damn advocacy groups that would cry foul if something like that were to be even considered.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
I feel for your friends, and hope they will be ok

Hopefully they have learned from this.

I do have to side with DT a bit as well

I speed on the highways and major blvd's and so does 80% of the other traffic.

There are always ways to reduce the risk of an accident if you pay attention and make good decisions about when and when not to do things.

I am only 26 and know damn sure that i can't not handle my car with ultimate control.

That is why Racing Schools have courses for those who want a professional instructor. They have courses to even tech you in your own car. so you can understand more about it and how to control it.

If your out on the highway and there is basically no one around, then Damn push the gas down to the floor.

There are many places on this planet with higher speed limits then we have here and some with no speed limit. If you check the statistics, Per capita they don't have any more people dying on the road then we do in North America. It's not speed that kills so much, but more so people and doing stupid things, like the guy who cut off your friend and your friend for racing with a car full of people not knowing fully how to handle the car properly.

Ninja Edit

I just Read Adjusters Post and DAMN that is dead on.

Someone who really gets what really is happening on the roads most of the time. That was a great post!

Double Ninja Edit:

Just thought i would add this little tidbit.

I saw an interview with a Formula 1 Driver (Doesn't matter who) They asked while here in Canada or the US if he still drove himself.

He Replied (This quote is not dead exact for every word but it is the bulk of it) "Hell NO! The Drivers here Drive Way to slow which leaves them to much time to do other things like drink coffe talk on cell phones and other stupid activities instead of paying attention to the road and driving. It is just way to dangerous to drive here in North America and i could never enjoy it. People in other coutires drive faster and pay attention to the road i feel much safer driving around in those countries."


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
DreamerTheresa said:
Which is why I encourage EVERYONE to get thy ass to a road course and tear it up so you know better how your car behaves at high speeds and turns.

Auto-X FTW. I Rather cruise on the street and do the speed limit and make people look at my car. rather than show off and hit a tree.
And the only thing I kill are Orange cones.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
ok, a 19 y/o perspective.
weaving through traffic is retarded,
if you speed, learn the fucking roads you are on
conditions arent good, dont even bother speeding.
street racing is best done on highways when they are empty
learn to control your car at those speeds, empty beach/walmart parking lots are great for learning the limits of your car.
pay attention to those around you, when im going fast i am keeping a close eye on the idiots around me.

its also good to have more than one driving style, one with people in your car, and one when you are alone. if there are other people in your car, slow the fuck down, if you crash and they die you will never forget that YOU put them in that situation.


Its coming back
Nov 23, 2006
For damn sure^^. When I was younger I use to do some stupid things until one day I had a race and I was passing 100. After that day I relized that its NOT worth the risk, for myself or other people. My friend and I race eachother but we stop at about 50-60. I know thats still dangerous but you have to know when to stop and like others said to control your car. But when people are in the car there should be NO foul play at all. Although you may post its not worth it,dont do,it slow down,dont race: the sad this is just about everyone is still going to do it. Because people want to enjoy their car and want to show it off. IMO, but they will be ok no worries.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Really a sad situation, but be very glad they're alive.

My opinion on street racing accidents is they consist of
a. the driver not knowing how to handle the car, not knowing the cars limits
b. an actual accident occuring (i.e. blowout at 100mph, deer hopping in front of you, etc)

The latter, well, shit happens, and it sucks. Sometimes blowouts and the like can't be avoided, even if you have brand new Z rated tires, if you hit something in the road at 100 and can't slow down enough, there's a chance of serious damage. Let's just hope you have no passengers and are on an empty road.

99% of all my "street races" have occurred out in the boonies in So. Florida. Literally in the Everglades, on firetrails that hardly anyone ever uses. Many miles of nothing but pavement and palm trees. I learned how to drive out there, because it was safe. For the 1st 2 weeks, I refused to go over 35mph, LOL. Quickly got the feel for the car and was soon pegging 120 and loving it. My 1st Supra we test drove out there, which was the deciding point in buying the car and what led me to where I am today, 7 Supras and counting :)

To give you an idea of the location... this pic was taken there

I took about 30 pics that day, taking about an hour to do so, and never saw another car.

Used to do a few red light runs in Florida too, nothing too crazy maybe 0-60mph runs and that's it. A few times on long empty stretches in the dead of night, I brought her up to 100.

Got caught racing in 2005 against my best friends 280zx. Went to court a month later, and the judge thought it was quite funny. We both got $500 fines, 3 points on our licenses and went on our way.