fresh gte swap won't start


Oct 18, 2005
Savannah, GA
Finished getting the engine in and hooking everything up tonight. We started by pulling the EFI fuse to build up oil pressure since it was a fresh engine. It turned over strong and built up pressure fine. We put the EFI fuse back in...same thing. Went to crank it and it just turned over and would not start. We noticed that the CPS was exactly opposite of what it should have been. The engine was at top dead (according to the crank), but the sharp point on the cps was facing opposite of where it should be at top dead. We adjusted it again to where it was at top dead and went to crank again and nothing. I had trouble getting the set bolt hole to be exactly in the middle of the channel it sits in. The CPS did eventually get to where it was lined up properly, but like I said the bolt hole was not in the middle of the slot.

We then got out a timing light, jumped the terminals to set timing and a timing light. We adjusted it to where the timing was at 0.

Some random stuff that may help??
-I did the ignitor and coil pack ground mod.
-The ignitor is painted
-We checked for spark at the number one plug and it had a pretty strong spark

Thanks for your help


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
I'm helping hornet with the swap. We tested for spark and its good. Fuel is there too. After reading a bunch of threads with this same issue of not starting its gotta be the cps. First thing in the morning we're gonna check that its at TDC, cam gears are straight up, reset the cps (figured out we were off by about a tooth), and go from there. Judging by what we've read this should solve our problem.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
You are getting spark and fuel with a no start. Check codes. The CPS will control spark but you seem to be getting it. How is the spark, is it constant when cranking or does it appear and disappear?

Are you getting pulse? Pulse is different than getting fuel, I am not sure how the 7M ECU works, but I know the line is primed with the key on but in order for fuel to reach the cylinders, you should see a pulse on the injector's plug when cranking. You should also get a 12V at one injector pin with the key on. Buy a NOID light kit at Harbor Frieght if you don't have one, it will be helpful.


Oct 18, 2005
Savannah, GA
Ok so this will seem like an epic noob mistake, but yea. So when I had the nonturbo in the car it only had one fuel pump relay (on the passenger side) and the car always ran just fine. Well without that relay with the new ECU it didn't want to run at all.

We started by adjusting the CPS correctly with the cam gear match marks straight up, number one piston up and crank pulley at 0. Set the CPS to the appropriate spot, cranked it and still nothing. My buddy (natedogr) and I were really damn pissed and decided to throw his fuel pump relay on for the hell of it and it fired right up.

So while it seems stupid to not have both, it ran just fine before so I never considered it.