

Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I wrote this originally today as a note in my facebook, but I thought why not reach out and get more opinions, and just FYI Im prolly gonna be too busy to keep up too much on this thread so if anyone has anything to ask or say to ME directly, an IM or a PM will be better please.

Were all taught forgiveness. We're all raised that its one of the most important things we should carry along side us in life. I believe this is true, but how does everyone view this act?

Can we forgive someone that we still will never speak to again? Or in turn is forgiving them having the ability to once again befriend them?

If you have been so severely damaged by someones lies and betrayal, and speaking to them again only brings on harsh memories and places you in a state of unwellness, to what extent can we forgive them? If you tell them you forgive them for what they did, but you can no longer speak to them, ever again in your lifetime, is it still forgiveness if they dont understand and it still hurts?

Can you forgive someone without telling them, simply for your own peace of mind, or is this an untrue act of forgiveness?

If you can forgive someone for something horrible that they have done to you, mentally or physically, is that an act of love, or does it have to be, do the two go hand in hand?

Love/Forgiveness, I dont quite understand these emotions, but yet I follow them everyday, and even to those who have destroyed my days, I forgive and love them... am I weaker or stronger for heading into that battle head on instead of running away from my fears of hurting more? I have loved, and I still love, and I have forgiven for things most people who die over before they say its ok, am I too nice?

OK I think this is enough to think about for one day.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Oh christ, no god no Emode, I was just pondering this shit haha, wanted opinions. Im not in black clothing crying my eyes out typing all this bs.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
whats wrong with crying? dont be afraid of your own EMOtions. its fun to experience the wide range of feelings we experience as humans being.

from disgusting range and anger, to blissful happiness, to complete and utter despair. its all good.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
lagged said:
whats wrong with crying? dont be afraid of your own EMOtions. its fun to experience the wide range of feelings we experience as humans being.

from disgusting range and anger, to blissful happiness, to complete and utter despair. its all good.

I meant Im not right now, Ive been an obliterated mess for 3 days now almost. I was fine for a month but certain events have just fucked with me a little too much. I WILL be ok, I know how to be stronger and happier now, and I have friends that I call nothing short of Family.


Arrrrrr Matey
Apr 3, 2005
South Carolina
phoenix6 said:
Oh christ, no god no Emode, I was just pondering this shit haha, wanted opinions. Im not in black clothing crying my eyes out typing all this bs.
I'm just messin with ya, haha. I thought it was well though out and written.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
As usual, I have a couple things to add.

When you forgive someone something, it's not for them. It's for you. Let's use an example - say someone breaks into your house at night and kills your wife and kids, then gets away. The police never find them.

You could hate them for the rest of your days, but what will that actually accomplish? Will it make the killer feel guilty at night? Will he lose any sleep over the fact that you hate him? The only effect it will have is to make you a miserable shell of a person who spends their time dreaming of ways to hate.

On the other hand, if you forgive them, you can let go of that hate, it will stop controlling your life, and then you can move on and build something that isn't purely destructive.

This demonstrates another couple points.
- Forgiveness != Love
- Participation from both parties is not required

I've gone through this subject many times while counseling, it's pretty simple once you remove your personal bias and look at it logically.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
phoenix6 said:
I wrote this originally today as a note in my facebook, but I thought why not reach out and get more opinions, and just FYI Im prolly gonna be too busy to keep up too much on this thread so if anyone has anything to ask or say to ME directly, an IM or a PM will be better please.

I forgive you for making this thread.