If they are building them on the Honda design shown on the Probe site, it's going to be interesting to see the final product.
Nice deep skirt where it counts. Fully cut skirts on the sides where you don't need material anyway.
Reinforced webbing to support the material around the pin bores. Better pins are available.
Rings are up to you, but there are many good types out there.
I'd be willing to try a set, especially since I'd coat them
These look similar to the Wiesco 7M pistons I've seen before.
My ROSS pistons have held up quite well, but they have more mass, and I doubt they would fail short of running very lean for an extended period of time. (Melt down v/s fail due to defect in design or materials.)
Nobody has built a 7M with Probe parts then? (As if nobody knows the "looks like a Probe" commnent we have all been floated from time to time... LOL)