itr206 said:Becuase he is a fucking retard that worries about post count instead of actually answering questions. It gets on my nerves. Leave the bullshit remarks for OT sections or something. Since that is what he is good at.
I dont need to search. I have yet to date seen him post a single useful remark on either forums in the past 2 years.
name calling gets you nowhere but down, pal. better watch what you say.
now i dont know who you get your sources from but i have never said nor even thought about my post count being important, in fact i could care less, and even more less on what your opinions are on me. why dont you worry about YOU and lighten up a little, its just the internet, we are all allowed to have a little fun.
now what gets on my nerves is something that people start threads on that can clearly be searched for before posting, even worse, senior members answering the questions so that there ends up being tons of threads on the same topic, that just doesnt make sense.
for future reference, heres just some of my many "useful" posts..i suggest you should learn to use the search engine also...try it on sf, you will find more than you expect.
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