Syris said:
its called false advertising, and thats what can win the case. Usually ends up they can take a huge fine or let you have the wheels at the messed up price.
Main Entry:
false ad·ver·tis·ing
: the crime or tort of publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise publicly distributing an advertisement that contains an untrue, misleading, or deceptive representation or statement which was made knowingly or recklessly and with the intent to promote the sale of property, goods, or services to the public
the price was set unknowingly, and there was no intent whatsoever to attempt to mislead you. As I said before it's been put through court several times because people thought they would be jackasses and try to rip a seller off...even though there are clauses that protect sellers from things like this. If you tell them your taking them to court they'll just laugh at you.