For those with AEM Tru Boost:


Official SM Decals
I've got a question for those tru boost users:

What all peices are included when you buy a new tru boost setup?

Reason I'm asking,

I was at a yardsale, saw the actual boost solenoid laying on the table, it said AEM... ask the guy how much, he says " take it" I aks if he has the rest, he pulls out a box with some wires and the gauge, and there was also a faze narrow band A/F gauge. So I paid $0.00 for this!

I am trying to figure out if i am missing a wire harness thoug. The back of the gauge has a 3 plug spot and about a 5 plug spot I have the 5 wire plug, it goes to the solenoid. Any one have a picture of all the peices and possibly the directions?


New Member
Sep 25, 2007
The plug with the 5 connectors should have the 3 connector plug on the other end I think not sure though maybe some one could chime in. I would go look at my car but its in the shop and I have no way of getting back to it. But by looking at my AEM box it should be there. I left my instructions unfortunately in my car so all I have is the box. But you should have the wire harness your talking about, the Gauge and about 25ft I think of vaccum hose, the solenoid, a few brass fittings and a sintered muffler, a black bezel and a white bezel for interchanging between white faced gauge and black faced guage, and some connector splices.


Authorized Vendor
Jul 19, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
Just installing mine today! Ran the wiring yesterday, the Tru-boost only has the 5-wire plug, 2 wires to the solenoid, 3 wires to be wired in for power. Then it also includes hose for manifold pressure. Not sure why you got the other gauge in the box
