To who ever wants to do this but doesnt want to spent too much money, I did it with some home depot parts. What's good about this is that you dont HAVE to spend alot of money and it should function better than stock. Our Filter canisters come stock with a scoop on them right behind the headlight. Here's what I did, I got some 4" diameter dryer flexible aluminum ducting, Used about 1ft 1/2. Took out the fog light ( you can go after market, I did, an still use the duct and the functions of fog lights) shaped the ducting into a S kinda, and simply fitted it over the stock scoop and the other end put it near the hole of the light. You can get creative on how to mount it mine was simply held on with the shape of the scoop and some duct tape :biglaugh: . There are other materials out there and other methods of making this, but I chose to this route because A. I had extra time on my hands and B. I had ducting laying around. It does give a smoother feel under acceleration and the car felt lighter at highway speeds.