first rebuilt engine start up (how long for oil presure)


Offical SM Expert: Suspension & Vehicle Dynamic
SM Expert
Dec 16, 2005
louisville ky
bigaaron said:
The stock location for the gauge sender is the best spot.

yea i figured well what im gonna do is get a electric sending guage from summit here and then ill try it once inside of the T fitting to see if it reads but im almost 100% sure it wont. if it doesnt is there somewhere else i can get the turbo feed from besides drilling into the stock 7mgte position (im assumeing i can still drill there if i have to)


toyota tech
Apr 13, 2005
supraguru05 said:
yea i figured well what im gonna do is get a electric sending guage from summit here and then ill try it once inside of the T fitting to see if it reads but im almost 100% sure it wont. if it doesnt is there somewhere else i can get the turbo feed from besides drilling into the stock 7mgte position (im assumeing i can still drill there if i have to)
uh dont drill anything. Reinstall the stock oil housing and crack the filter loose then have someone turn it over. If oil comes out fire it up, then remove the oil cap and look in you should be able to see the oil on the cam when running. Sounds like you have your cooler plumbed incorrectly.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
for an alternate pressure tap you can buy a oil cooler thermostat housing that has a pressure port in the top of it. I believe Summit or Jegs can sell you one. The only risk with that is like Aaron said, anything down stream of that but before the block that is blocked will give you a false reading. However if the only thing downstream is the oil cooler then your chances are pretty slim it will ever be an issue.

Edit: I said the wrong thing here, though I believe you can get T-stat fittings, what I meant was a double in double out remote fitting. (My oil cooler kit came with one for the filter housing.) You just plug one of the "ins" and put a npt adapter fitting on the other out. Without looking Im sure there are other possibilities along those lines.
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Offical SM Expert: Suspension & Vehicle Dynamic
SM Expert
Dec 16, 2005
louisville ky
ok weezl i think you just said a idea my dad suggested
my filter mount has two inlets and two exits i am only using one of each. so in theory i can read pressure out of the filters by putting the sensor in the exit of the mount.

im not drilling the block it was just mentioned as the correct way to have done this if i had thought it through when i was rebuilding the engine

and to clear thing up again NONE OF THE COOLER OIL FILTER MOUNT OR THERMOSTAT HOSES ARE HOOKED UP. i removed those initially after the 0 oil pressure and have since rulled them out as a problem they are plumbed correctly and are not the problem. the problem was and is the Tee fitting used in the factory oil pressure sender port to allow me to use it as a turbo feed as well as a pressure port. this did not work. it does not read pressure correctly.

thanks everyone for helping figure this out we are working through this and everyones information is helping on a good note we did fire the car up and get good pressure out of the pump and we appear to have good pressure everywhere in the engine, its a matter of finding a place to moniter it.