I have not had my supra very long and as I know this is not much of a kill but its my first one so I gotta post! Last night around 10:30pm~11:00pm I was on my way home from a friends house on our local interstate. I was minding my own and slowly passing this G35S. As I am passing him I hear him nail it. Of course I have to prove mine is bigger than his so I drop it to 4th and nail it. He had a good head start on my because I was not expecting him to unleash it as I was trying to pass (6 lengths to be exact). We had started at ~75mph and by 95 his lead was down to 2 lengths and by 115 I was a fender up. I figured he would give up seeing that my car was in no mood to slow down but he kept on. To shorten this up some by 140mph I had 9 cars on him. As we got off the freeway and merged onto the Parkway he passed me and gave me a thumbs up and a frown. Even though it was not much of a kill I was proud of my supra showing this guy that just because it is old doesnt mean that it is slow!