Simple question...someone decided to use RTV/FIPG to seal the intake manifolds to each other and the head...needless to say, it's pretty much glued on. Anything that will break it down without damaging the aluminium?
having trouble gettin it apart? Get a small flat head screw driver and slow make you way around it carefully prying it loose. it will break loose eventually
Yep, gas will do it. So will toluene. Bad stuff though. Funny, I've pulled oil pans 4 times on these engines and never used anything but a regular gasket. Didn't know any better at the time I guess but I've yet to have a pan leak.
Might not be smart to pry with a screwdriver on the intake pleunum and head, since it's aluminum you might cause defects in the mating surfaces which would be a nich nich.
I spent 20 minutes beating it with a mallet. Even tried putting a block of wood down to protect the aluminum while I hit it with a 2lb deadblow and didn't move it. I haven't wanted to try the screwdrivers either for the reason listed. Have to try again this weekend with soaking it in gasoline for a bit.
gosh either people dont know how to be careful with screw drivers or im super f*ckin talanted !!!
CAREFULLY. Done it plenty of times without screwing up my mating surfaces
The worst part is it was a Toyota dealer that did it...I had a boost leak I didn't have time to trace and dropped the car off with them. They said on the invoice they replaced the gaskets for it and the EGR...too bad it was 5 years back or I'd march down to their door about the bill. I will say though, it never leaked again!
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