I've been working on getting my transmission fixed and running correctly. Now its all fixed and shifts perfectly. Seems after the transmission rebuild the first gear came loose on the shaft. Now my first gear is welded solid to the shaft and is pressed on permanently. I also installed new valve stem seals with the head still on, new timing belt, upper and lower gates water hoses, bosch BOV, new upper intake piping, and a new custom made no restriction 3000 pipe. Car runs and sounds the best it ever has, the bosch really has a great sound.
Next I had my Shine H spec lip bonded to my bumper and had the whole bumper and badge area repainted. I also repainted the plastic before the rear wheels as it was pretty chipped from 5 years of driving.
We also filled in the "H" round area on the front of the lip. My bodyshop said the oval ford logo would fit perfectly.....but hell no.
After install of all the lights.
Car is running a max of 10 psi.
More final outside pictures to come.
Next I had my Shine H spec lip bonded to my bumper and had the whole bumper and badge area repainted. I also repainted the plastic before the rear wheels as it was pretty chipped from 5 years of driving.
We also filled in the "H" round area on the front of the lip. My bodyshop said the oval ford logo would fit perfectly.....but hell no.
After install of all the lights.
Car is running a max of 10 psi.
More final outside pictures to come.
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