Good God...I thought I was the only one in the world that did that shit...
*SIGH*, what a relief! I do some cruel and F'ed up things to bugs when they really bother me...I think I have littleinsectorbugaphobia...I HATE BUGS.
On the top of my head, one time, I was playing XBOX, and I noticed on the trim around the wall at the bottom, like 7 ants were crawling out of this teeeeenie little I was like okay, damnit, they're dead. I got hair spray and they died. So I started playing again and like 10 more came through the hole and were just hanging out LOL...So I was cussing and pissed and you'll never guess the first thing to catch my attention....
A hot glue gun. :nono: So I pick up the gun, put a new stick of glue in, let it warm up, and off I go!!!! It's like burning hot and when it touches them, they just move,...then stop and are melted frozen(does that make sense?) hehe. Anyways, When all was said and done, I used like 3 sticks of glue into the hole...and then there were like 5-6 ants stuck to parts of the wall that I never did go back to. It was like 4 years ago...Gee, I hope they're gone by now. :icon_conf: