warning. this post contains pictures of a dead fly.
nothing special, just hate flies and i bagged one tonight with hair gel. add this to my resume: killed wasps in the oven after the bastards stung me (5 minutes at 350 does wonders); torched bugs with propane, drowned them in acetone, you name it and ive probably done it.
my more interesting methods included sticking a plunger over an earwig and setting him in a vacuum, i guess. when i pulled the plunger up it sucked to the tile floor and i had to work to break it free. when i got it up there were earwig bits in a small circle and the earwig was torn apart. wow. another favorite is to squirt typewash (mix of gas, isopropyl alcohol and a few cleaning agents) on bugs that are hard to kill. after a few seconds they start twitching and twisting and finally end up on their backs (roaches especially)
anyway, held the hair gel over this one and let loose. he didnt move much after that.
nothing special, just hate flies and i bagged one tonight with hair gel. add this to my resume: killed wasps in the oven after the bastards stung me (5 minutes at 350 does wonders); torched bugs with propane, drowned them in acetone, you name it and ive probably done it.
my more interesting methods included sticking a plunger over an earwig and setting him in a vacuum, i guess. when i pulled the plunger up it sucked to the tile floor and i had to work to break it free. when i got it up there were earwig bits in a small circle and the earwig was torn apart. wow. another favorite is to squirt typewash (mix of gas, isopropyl alcohol and a few cleaning agents) on bugs that are hard to kill. after a few seconds they start twitching and twisting and finally end up on their backs (roaches especially)
anyway, held the hair gel over this one and let loose. he didnt move much after that.