Crack me up. I'm not saying you didn't do it. What I was referring to was none of it is welding. All we've seen so far is a couple of horrific butts (why would anyone even post those?) that are the result of either bad gear/parameters or someone who can't manipulate a tig torch. Since you claim to be so good at gas it can't be torch manipulation right?
And what's with the little bit of melt along the plate which, as I said, can be done with a car battery? I hope you're not planning on folks hitting you up for work after this fine display of arcin' and sparkin'.
None of it is welding Sparky. How's about showing us a fillet that looks anything like the melt? Even a butt would do. Not that pretty is important, something you should already know. They gotta be better than those sorry lookin' butts though.
Post up either of those coupons along with the model machine, how the surface was prepped, torch size, cup size, gas flow, polarity, and diameter/type of tungsten used. Or post a pic of the gear. And just for grins write your user name on the coupon because, you know, this is getting old...