got an ffim from sethron a while back, had it ceramic coated by evan's ( they took a bit longer to get it done, but worth the wait.
the picture was with the flash and it makes it look tinted more gold than it is in person. it was coated in titanium color, which looks pretty slick. will be getting everything else on the engine and pipes coated in the same tone.
also one thing i never seen before was the rods turn a golden/brown color after getting cryo'd.
they were grey before lol, and they also did a great job on dfl'ing the bearings, no blemishes on the surface at all
<edit> now we can finally get the motor back together..... after 4 months from tear down lol
the picture was with the flash and it makes it look tinted more gold than it is in person. it was coated in titanium color, which looks pretty slick. will be getting everything else on the engine and pipes coated in the same tone.
also one thing i never seen before was the rods turn a golden/brown color after getting cryo'd.
they were grey before lol, and they also did a great job on dfl'ing the bearings, no blemishes on the surface at all
<edit> now we can finally get the motor back together..... after 4 months from tear down lol