Few questions about boost raising


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
Hi all!

This is my first time to raise boost on my 7M-GTE, so I started wondering:
Currently, ECU creates a specific air fuel mix, but if I raise boost "manually" wouldn't it mess up my air fuel ratio and my car would run unrich which would cause it to detonate? eg. kill my pistons finally?
Much air and little fuel?

Because currently the ECU reads air flow from my air meter...but then the air flow amount would remain same for the ECU.

Or does the ECU somehow understand(If yes, then how) how much air acutally goes into engine?
As far as I know it shouldn't...because I've seen threads wherein people talk about blow-off valves that might make the engine run rich during blow-off open valve(because the air has been counted by air flow meter and then let out from the blow-off).

Thank you!


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
In another thought...If I raise boost, my ECU understands it and still makes correct air fuel mixture?
Because, If we raise the boost, the wastegate doesn't open that early, and because of that, the engine also takes more air in...and the AFM also reads it...Am I correct?