Soo ive been in the works with a good friend of mine, who is a fabricator, and we have been working on a steering angle kit for an mk3. Soo far its still on paper just have some mocked up test pieces but its looking good. It utilizes a soarer/sc300/sc400 spindle with custom one off upper and lower control arms which fixes the past caster issue with using soarer lower control arms and spindles. plus it sets them out about an inch farther over stock and has far more caster/camber adjustability over stock and is ridiculously stronger over stock with all replaceable components. Now obviously to just build one kit is going to be expensive soo im seeing if anyone else would want one of these kits? if so costs will be much cheaper, kits will include the upper and lower control arms and all you will need is to purchase a soarer/sc300/sc400 spindles and brakes then you will have that mad angle mk3's lack soo dearly. (spindles also have to be modified for kit and can be shipped to us to be modified) anybody interested?