yep i'm really bored right now. i prolly wont touch this thread for a month after this but here goes. Some pics here may have been posted in the PotD thread, but i don't care, its my thread bitches.
8 second exposure
15 second exposure with some flare that probably came from another car driving down the road
25 second exposure
i accidentally spun the shutter speed to 1/30 (sync speed is 1/60)
1/125 sec exposure, Fuji Superia 1600, orange filter
same info as above
1/60th sec, Fuji Superia 1600, orange filter
Fuji Superia 1600, first without filter, next two with filter. Each shot at 1/60, 1/125, and 1/250 respectively.
a 12 year old kid took that of me.
a girl messing my camera took that of me as I tried to duck behind a buddy at the last second.
1/125 sec, Fuji Superia 400, orange filter.
Yep. I'm really bored. Now make fun of my transition from cowboy to suit.
All these shots were taken with a Canon 70-210 Macro/Zoom lens. I just (like this afternoon) got a 2x Teleconverter (aka a doubler) and a Vivitar 135mm F2.8 lens that i'll be using for the rest of my night/dark shots. I'm currently watching out for a decent automatic Canon flash so i can get my indoor shots to actually turn out right (in the 5 rolls i just developed, maybe 1/3 of the pics were worth a crap cuz i had the aperture set wrong on most of them.)
note to self: out of date Kodak film is not very forgiving of overexposure. Either way, i've temporarily given Kodak an 'up yours' in the color department (i like my B&W Kodaks) and bought me another roll of Fuji Superia 800 and a roll of Fuji Reala 100
That Fuji 1600 is a little grainy (even before the film scanner butchers it), but it picks up the greens very well. That '4th color layer' they hawk with the superia 800 and 1600 does seem to make a difference.
EDIT: gone back and put all my posts as quotes so that you can actually see the rest of the page. just click on a picture to expand it. Only the most recent post will be fullsized from now on.
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