I had some kind of frozen mix in a can for strawberry margaritas this weekend. It was quite nice and sweet, though there really wasn't enough of it. I might need to run to the store sometime this week to pick up some more. I hope it's not too expensive; I could see drinking quite a bit more of it. If you blend it just right but not too much, it's a frozen smoothie type drink with small ice chunks in it, which when combined with the alcohol in the drink and crunched with your teeth while you drink it, serves as an awesome stress reliever.
I also had some Yuengling Light and some High Life. They are both really easy beer to drink.
One of these weekends I am going to have a nice, healthy drink-fest.
On a related note, there is a new thing out.. I don't know if it's military-wide or if it is just on my base, but they have this thing they call 0-0-1-3. It's a little campaign they are trying to reduce DUIs and alcohol related incidents. 0 duis, 0 drinks if you are underage, 1 alcoholic drink per hour, 3 alcoholic drinks maximum per night.
It's basically a way to remind irresponsible people to take it easy, but since I always plan ahead, always take a cab or drink at home, I think it's really ridiculous. I remember when underage drinking happened everyday in the military, and was encouraged. I remember just back in the year 2000 when my group won the Daedalian award for excellence, and we had a mass briefing in a hangar across base. There were hundreds of people in uniform, and a bunch of kegs. My shop chief handed me a cup of Killian's. These days, you don't see drinking in uniform very often at all.
Here is my theory on what happened:
In June 1998 I arrived at the barracks from tech school. People drink and have a great time on the weekends in the barracks. Everyone is social and happy. A year or two later, a couple of bad eggs start causing problems and wrecking government property. Some of these people are found to be underage drinkers, so the commanders crack down on underage drinking. People see a higher presence of police in the barracks areas, and they don't want to hang out and drink on the weekends; they don't want to be friendly and social. Instead, they go out to the clubs to drink and be social. They drive back to the base, and they are busted for DUI. This happens ALL THE TIME. Just about every weekend we hear about some yahoo that gets busted for DUI.
This isn't just the system's fault - the drivers are obviously to blame as well. I just see how it evolved from a minor problem with a few individuals to a major problem for the whole base.
Alright.. I am done ranting.