Fair or No?

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Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Okay, as some of you know, I'm 15. I recently bought a 87 Supra with 1900$ of my money, that I worked for at a job. Because I am 15, the title and insurance is in my mom and dads name. So...

My mom made rules for the car, insane rules, such as..

She has the key
No insurance untill I turn 18 (They won't let me pay for it...)
Car dosen't move, No acception
I have to ask to wash it, or pop the hood, or to touch it
I can't stay outside with my car for more than 30 minutes (what do they expect me to do stare at it?)
I can't have more than 1 person look at my car at a time
Nobody can touch it
The door is locked all the time
I can never have the key

I seriously feel like I wasted 1900$, Because my buddy is 19, I'm thinking about saving up for another one, and having the car in his name, and pay him for insurance (he payes liability himself). I make about 150$ a week where I work. My parents say the car I have now (87) is their car, and I have nothing to do with it.

I can understand why parents can make such rules, but I payed for the car, in cash, I am respectful, and I haven't said one word against their "rules"

But IMO, this is bull. What are they going to do with a sports car?

They can have it all, I will just buy another one, and put it in Timmy's name =D

Thanks mom and dad :nono:


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Man, that sucks! Not to jump into a fight that is obviously between you three, but I would tell them that if all those rules are firm then they could buy the car from you for the price you paid. If they wont take that deal, which they probably wouldnt, then you just may have to deal with it cause theyre your parents.....fair.....NO.....but thats life being underage.;)


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
2543arvin said:
Man, that sucks! Not to jump into a fight that is obviously between you three, but I would tell them that if all those rules are firm then they could buy the car from you for the price you paid. If they wont take that deal, which they probably wouldnt, then you just may have to deal with it cause theyre your parents.....fair.....NO.....but thats life being underage.;)

Yeah, I can understand some of the rules, but why can't I pop the hood, or at least look at it for more than 30 minutes? I came to the conslusion that maybe if I follow the rules for a month, and be nice and respectful, and not question them, that maybe they will lighten up..

They cared less that I was hitting 6k on the 5M-GE I had last year, then my mom came home, and everything went haywire.

This isn't the biggest of my worries though, just wish it was different :nono:


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
talk with your parents about it, tell them that if you cant drive the car, whats the point of owning one *provided that you are of legal age. IMO, i would just sell it and wait to get another one, no need to let it sit and rust.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Do NOT buy another car and put it in your friends name! You will be basically buying HIM a car and he doesn't have to give it back to you.

The car does belong to your parents as you are not legally old enough to "own" a car.

Follow the rules your parents set no matter how ridiculous you think they are. You are only 15 and remember, they hold the key! Also, just remember how damn lucky you are to have gotten a Supra for your first car. My teenage boy dang sure wouldn't be getting one.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
gtsfirefighter said:
Do NOT buy another car and put it in your friends name! You will be basically buying HIM a car and he doesn't have to give it back to you.

The car does belong to your parents as you are not legally old enough to "own" a car.

Follow the rules your parents set no matter how ridiculous you think they are. You are only 15 and remember, they hold the key! Also, just remember how damn lucky you are to have gotten a Supra for your first car. My teenage boy dang sure wouldn't be getting one.

It still dosen't explain why I can't look at it for 30 minutes, I'm sure if your son worked and saved 1900$ cash, he could buy one too... :icon_roll


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
st2b said:
It still dosen't explain why I can't look at it for 30 minutes, I'm sure if your son worked and saved 1900$ cash, he could buy one too... :icon_roll

When he turns 18 yeah, until then he can't buy crap without me ok-ing it and I wouldn't ok a sports car for a kid, regardless of how old it is.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
mkIIIman089 said:
Mmm... step dads are just the best thing ever aren't they?

He said water and crackers where he came from, and it's staying that way unless I work to buy my own food... He thinks he was in world war II, and constantly reminds me of how many germans he killed for the roof over our head (May I remind you he's 30 years old..)
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