F**king Jury duty


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Johnny Dangerously said:
as much as i understand this...i also understand that those people us peak of, need proper money management. Stow away savings for a rough day or days. the emergency vacation day for its proper purpose.
emergency fund, something.

maturity and knowledge buy stability for even the underpaid workers.

now yes, they kinda fuck u with the ten or 40 crap ass dollars...thats no joke right there.

I'd prolly be more so happy doing jury duty, if I got compensated with my normal wage.....:naughty:


Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
willfish said:
I'd prolly be more so happy doing jury duty, if I got compensated with my normal wage.....:naughty:


Who wouldn't, but you've got to be realistic about compensation. I did an 8 day stretch and got a check for exactly $100 in the mail, and that was for jury pay (taxable) and meal allowances.

I wouldn't think twice about doing it again. I sat on a jury for a medical malpractice suit and the process was really interesting. There were parts of it that amazed me, like watching an expert witness for the defense completely outwit and destroy one of the lawyers for the plaintiff while his partner sat with his head in his hands. It was so bad that some people were shrinking back in their chairs and others were laughing out loud. I was elected jury foreman and needless to say we found for the doc with a unanimous decision. As much as the doctor should've won, you had to feel bad for the plaintiff - his pain and issues were real, but just misdirected. I hope to go back again someday and do a criminal case.

Like everything else, it's all in your attitude. It sucks or it's a break from the day to day. It's a waste of time or you get to learn something. You could be contributing more at work or you have the opportunity to be an important decision maker on an issue that's hugely important (to the people involved, at least). It's up to you...

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
i was on a jury for a sentencing trial of a man who sexually molested mentally handicapped children.

yeah, it made me sick to my stomach, we werent afraid to give him a really well sized penalty.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
try getting called to jd while you are out from the house 6 weeks at a time. had to arrange my whole month aroound it.

but i'm curious as to why someone would actually want a jury trial

would you trust your future/life to 12 people who wern't smart enough to get out of jury duty?