F@$K win vista


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
supraman7mgte;1028735 said:
vista is crap!

Why is it crap?

I hate blanket statements like this. Show me why it is crap, don't just tell me. The only thing bad I have found about it is that it doesn't run well on older systems due to the lack of resources.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
annoyingrob;1028656 said:
I have a MythTV backend with 300gb of storage working as a PVR, and several frontends :)

Fedora 8.

My MAN! I've got a Hauppage 250 I'm getting ready to try either MythTV or Freevo (going to play with both)

Fedora 9 here ;)

Quick OT question - with the HP 250, think a dual 650 P3 w/ 512Mb ram, and a 6 disk Raid 5 array (SATA I) will handle back end duties? I could potentially upgrade (it's an old Precision 410) to dual 1 ghz. I just love the case, and the fact it has a PCI-X slot (where the adaptec sata controller resides)


Vista sucks, because of UAC. It's Microsoft's pathetic attempt at Linux-style security.

Apple computers = Fisher price computer systems. Even better than the lack of functionality (unless doing graphic design-type work), is the ridiculous expense of out-of-warranty work. I'll stick with my PC x86 architecture, and easily replaced components, thank you.

Linux is where it is at. Seriously guys, if you haven't tried Linux yet - download a Live CD, and play with it. As a matter of fact, you can convert a Fedora Live CD to a USB drive, and it will boot loads faster than from CD. I recommend the Gnome desktop for new users to Linux.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
foreverpsycotic;1028838 said:
Doward, I hope that you know you can turn UAC off... Those boxes get so damn anoying.

Certainly can. But did you know there is a bug that will kill your networking center, if you disable UAC and install AIM?

I use Trillian myself, but the wife uses AIM - and guess what, after 2 months, she had me remove Vista and install XP.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Doward;1028840 said:
Certainly can. But did you know there is a bug that will kill your networking center, if you disable UAC and install AIM?

I use Trillian myself, but the wife uses AIM - and guess what, after 2 months, she had me remove Vista and install XP.

Maybe that was you. I installed aim after disabling UAC on my old setup, networking was fine, I did not lose anything network related. I use Pidgin or meebo anyway.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
foreverpsycotic;1028851 said:
Maybe that was you. I installed aim after disabling UAC on my old setup, networking was fine, I did not lose anything network related. I use Pidgin or meebo anyway.

I've repeated it in the PC shop, on a Dell M1210, M1330, Optiplex GX260, Optiplex GX270 ;)

I tried a GX150, but that was painfully slow, so I left it alone. :3d_frown:


A little bit on it ;)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Doward;1028826 said:
My MAN! I've got a Hauppage 250 I'm getting ready to try either MythTV or Freevo (going to play with both)

Fedora 9 here ;)

Quick OT question - with the HP 250, think a dual 650 P3 w/ 512Mb ram, and a 6 disk Raid 5 array (SATA I) will handle back end duties? I could potentially upgrade (it's an old Precision 410) to dual 1 ghz. I just love the case, and the fact it has a PCI-X slot (where the adaptec sata controller resides)
Maybe... as long as you keep away from ad skipping tech, that eats a fair bit of CPU cycles.

Remember, you're going to want a second tuner card in short order, too. I didn't last long before the wife's complaints that she couldn't watch one channel while recording another got through to me.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Doward;1028826 said:

Vista sucks, because of UAC. It's Microsoft's pathetic attempt at Linux-style security.
May not be up to Linux standards - yet - but it's a whole lot better than what's available for XP.

Doward;1028840 said:
Certainly can. But did you know there is a bug that will kill your networking center, if you disable UAC and install AIM?
There's a bug that makes it rather difficult to install Adobe Reader with UAC disabled, too. Is it worth chucking the entire OS over? No. At least not for the vast majority of the installed user base.

Evilempire1.3JZ-GTE;1028955 said:
The software Validation Crap Is way over strict if you change hardware or re-install you have to contact MS blah
Agreed, however, this is NOT new to Vista, it's technology imported from XP Home.

I've said this before, and I'm sure I'll say it again. Most of the people screaming bloody murder about how Vista sucks fit into a few categories.
- The people who don't use it. These are the Linux / Unix / Mac / BSD / whatever else guys, and as a rule they think everything from M$ sucks. Sometimes they are right, but only sometimes. If they could convince the game manufacturers to move away from M$ wholesale, they would have me on their side. Until then, I'll keep using Windows, because PCs *whip* consoles, hands down, and Tux racer is only cool for about 7 minutes.
- The hardware misers. These are the guys who don't think they should have to buy new computer hardware more than once every 10 years. Screw Moore's Law, the guy was obviously an idiot. After all, I can drive a car from the 50's, why can't I use a computer from the 80's?
- The "I hate change" crew. Most of these guys should still using B&W picture tube televisions with rabbit ear antennas and film cameras. If they ever do get dragged into this century, there will be a lot of kicking and screaming.
- The script kiddie pie rat crew. They're bitter that Vista isn't as easy to steal as XP was, and why the hell hasn't anyone posted a simple, easy to use crack on the internet yet? It should have a pretty interface and play neato music while thumbing it's nose in Redmond's direction.
- The guys who actually have a valid complaint. Most of these are the folks that got screwed over buying a 'Vista Ready' machine with pathetic specs, and discovered after the fact that the ability to run Vista does not necessarily translate into the ability to run Vista *well*. There are a few more guys who are still waiting for updated drivers to work with their specialty hardware.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Grim, you forgot a very large group of people -

The IT support guys that are SICK of hearing the same complaints over and over from end-users.

Seriously. I don't care how awesome Vista is under the hood - if the end user can't use it, it is worthless in the business world.


Boosted member
Jul 5, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Doward;1028826 said:
Quick OT question - with the HP 250, think a dual 650 P3 w/ 512Mb ram, and a 6 disk Raid 5 array (SATA I) will handle back end duties?

Shouldn't be a problem. I run a PIII 800 backend with 512mb, and it's doing hi-def recording, and it barely stresses it. Granted, guide searches are a little slow, but recording and playback are flawless.

Edit: I know Fedora 9 is out now. I should really get around to upgrading. My fileserver is still running Fedora 3!


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
The reason I hate Vista is for a number of reasons.

- You can't streamline it down to using barely any resources like other OS's (like for example Windows Server 2003)

- Can't effectively used over 2gig of RAM (on a 32 bit install at least), but has a HUGE RAM footprint.

- Still not any more secure than older versions.

- Still not fully supported.

I WILL be using Windows Server 2008 soon though. It's like 2003, it's a different kernal from XP/Vista, but will run anything from XP/Vista, and it can be stripped down to be fast as hell. All the good things are still included (like DX 10).