My mom was adopted.. Her mother was 16 years old when she was born in 1948.. Thats all I know..She wrote letters here and there to my mom when my mom was little.. Some of my mom's family told me that she used to watch my mom play at recess when my mom was young too.. My mom always knew she was adopted.. When she was in 3rd grade, some kids teased my mom about being adopted.. She had a little saying "You mommy and daddy had to take you, mine chose to take me".. That always stuck with me.. Surprisingly, my mother never cared to find out who her parents were.. I would like to know, for the simple fact (if she's still living or not in the area) I would like to tell her mother that my mom has passed away.. GTS, do you happen to remember the company that you used? I would greatly appreciate it if you PMed me with the name.. I dont have much information to go on, but I think I can dig some up from my mom's family members..since both my mom's parents, and my mom have passed away