They will more than likely still deliver it. As there process goes, your next step will be to inform your shipper that HE needs to make a claim. Only the shipper can do that. After he files that claim, they will send out someone to look at it. That's where it gets sticky, and you should pay attention to this.
Their official answer to almost every claim is to say that it had insufficient packaging. Keep all packing material that is with it, and it's up to you whether you add to it before they get there. They will deny the claim, hoping that it will be dropped, and the claim will never have to be paid. Have the shipper complain, and stay with the claim. If he is persistent they will sooner or later pay it. The claim will be paid to him, and you will have to get a refund or replacement out of him. Keep a good open communication with him, because all you have to go on is his word about getting the claim paid or not.
UPS is self insured! It is in their best interest to not pay a claim.
You have my permission to copy any of this and send it to the seler to let him know what to do, but I'd advise you not to send him the part about him being the only way you'll know.