ever think to yourself.."who does that?"


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
I was driving to work the other day doing about 5 over in the left lane, while this gray ford taurus was in the right lane i slowly start going by her when the old lady speeds up and cuts me off. It gets better, not only does she swerve infront of me, she slows down to about 25 in a 35mph while cars are going down the right lane i have no way around the old lady almost all the way to work, it was rather frustrating. all i could think was...who does that? seriously first you cut me off, i can deal with that but then you go 10 under the speed limit come on people. </rant>


Supramania Contributor
Jan 21, 2007
Yeah man, I hate stuff like that. I haven't had anyone cut me off, but I have had some assholes around me.

Instead of being cut off, I have the ones who cannot wait one single second for me to pass, and instead rush out to get in front of me, do not pick up the pace, and then go slow. And it's not a case of if they don't pull out in front, they'll be sitting there waiting for 5 minutes. It almost always happens when there is not a single car behind me and no traffic around.

Another time, I had some guy who kept riding my ass nonstop so I let off until he backed away. But it didn't take long for him to get right back on me. I was coming up to my turn and put on my blinker well before I needed to. Apparently, I didn't turn quick enough for him and he blasted his horn at me. So I wailed on mine in return and he did it again. No surprise that it's one of those jacked up monster truck wannabes.

Not to mention we have our fair share of those who love to ride on you when you're going well over the speed limit... :3d_frown:


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
when people drive super slow in front of me I weave back and forth like nascar drivers do to warm up their tires. just because there's nothing better to do at 10-20mph in a 35 zone. keeps me entertained.

I hate over anxious people. I almost got ran off the road by a girl in a red eclipse once because she was already trying to pass before she had finished merging onto the freeway...and didn't see me in the fast lane.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
How about when your in traffic and there is clearly a shit load of cars in front of you but the jackass behind you is inches off your ass as if your the one slowing traffic.... last week someone was doing that to me I figured I may as well check my brakes real good before speed picks up!


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
not as bad as people who signal left and turn right or vice versa. also, people who suddenly decide to make a left turn in the right most lane. there's a bunch of crazy drivers here i CA


Wangan Supra
Jun 8, 2006
Some lady in a old neon tries to get in my lane with out signaling and I'm already right next to her! If I didn't hit my brakes....shiiiiiiit


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ lawlz.

I almost put a Mustang into a set of barrels on the interstate. 2 miles of warning that the lane was ending, I'm already in the correct lane, EASY 5 cars in front of me w/ the mustang behind me, goes to pass w/ less than 1/2 mile before the lane ended and suddenly jerked over into the lane one spot ahead of where they were. Had my pregnant wife not been in the car he would have A) hit me or b) made me lawlz when he hit the barrels for being a fucktard.

O. And this was 4 teenagers who all stuck hands out the window to flip me off, I just waved as I was drinking my milkshake. I passed them doing 75 in a 70 after the construction zone ended.

My favorite was when someone pulled a U turn from the right lane while I was at about their rear bumper in the STI. Had I not had such damn good brakes I would have been spinning tires trying to get the stupid SUV to roll over after I hit it. That would have been AWESOME.

Both of these cases were women drivers...


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
I had an older lady start to change lanes into my lane when I was coming up on her about 10-20 mph faster. She had just hesitantly gotten the first two tires outside her lane (no turn signal, btw) then swerved back into her lane when I was still a few car lengths behind her. And then she honked at me!! What the heck, it's not my fault she's completely indecisive and too timid to drive at the flow of traffic...


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Women in SUV's represent the biggest road rage issues for me. They tailgate. I have no problem slamming on my brakes when people do that. Another issue I have with all genders is when I have my cruise control on and start to pass someone they speed up, then later slow down and I catch up again and start to pass and then they speed up and then have the nerve to shoot me the finger.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I was driving through BC a few weeks ago, and had just turned off the #1 highway heading west, and was now going south on a cramped 2 lane mountain road through the forests. Lots of blind corners, hidden driveways for country residences, ect, ect.

I cruise for about 5 minutes, then some asshole in a chevy econoshitbox comes hauling up behind me then rides inches from my bumper. I have a rule: if I can't see the bottom of someone's bumper in my rear view mirror, in my 4runner, I need to check my brakes, really hard.

I did the speed limit, 90km/hr, and when he tried to pass me, I'd just outrun him. a V6 SUV weighing almost 4000lbs has to be umung the slowest things on the planet, and he had no chance of passing me. Anyway, I made his life hell as long as I could, but after about 15 minutes it became simply too dangerous so I let him by. Though I was hoping I'd find his vehicle in the ditch in flames at some point...


Apr 8, 2007
Toronto Ontario
Here in Toronto a favourite highway maneuver of the dimwitted fuckwits is to be driving in a lane beside you and behind you and wait for your indicator to change lanes. Then they speed up so you can't get in. This happens all the friggin time. Like being one more car behind is going to seriously affect their travel time.

So now, to combat these r-tards I have implemented a rule. It only applies when driving the Jeep though because it works so well with it. Basically, when my signal goes on, it's not a question, it's a statement. I'm coming over...NOW!! :) With that said, I would never jump in front of anyone going faster than me unless I could speed up in time. This is just one of my ways of getting around this city and it's horrible drivers.

Got one more for ya. How about when you're coming up to a red light. You've got 2 lanes. There are 2 cars lined up in the right lane, you're in the left about to get Pole Position. Then the 2nd car in the right lane changes into yours and when the light goes green, drives SLOWER than the car he was behind in the first place....ARRRRRRGH


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Keros;973187 said:
Though I was hoping I'd find his vehicle in the ditch in flames at some point...


People driving on country roads in the center of the road doing 10+ UNDER the limit and will NOT let you pass, like they are doing you a favor for slowing you and everyone around... bright lights, tailgating, NOTHING gets them over. Giving a few lengths and then throwing the STI into 3rd and running up on them ussually gets the point across and they get over...... then continue accelerating HARD up until 100+ so there's no chance of them getting a plater #. :icon_bigg

One of my rules when driving on the interstate... if theres a lane to the left of me (3-4 lane road) NOONE gets by me in the right lane (truck lane) I get a kick out of boxing people in for a few miles... and love it when the car behind me gets in on it. Just another idea.


Unauthorized Lurker
Jun 10, 2006
mkiiSupraMan18;973426 said:
I get a kick out of boxing people in for a few miles... and love it when the car behind me gets in on it. Just another idea.

Thats by far one of my most favorite things to do with assholes on the freeway. My buddy was driving his step dads F250 and some fucktard in an expedition and another car were riding his ass, so we cruise up next to a semi and set the cruise control to cool and chill alongside the truck for a good 10 minutes. Traffic went from being sparse to pretty well packed in that time. Looking back through the window there was at least a mile of cars behind us.


Sep 12, 2007
Milwaukee WI
I was in my 87t on my way back from WI dells, these two b*****s in a pos grandam come right up on my ass, try to pass me, im in 5th so i throw it into 4th and wot it and walk away from them, so at the stop lights they gave me the bird:madfawk: whatever... the fun one has in a supra is the most you can have with your pants on:naughty:


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
another time was some slow old man driving in the left lane going 20mph in a 35! i need to turn left so i stay there hoping he notices im right behind him and semi on his ass, instead he does a break check im like ok.... youre going 20mph and im atleast a car behind you. he then speeds up to the speed limit this sorta makes me happy, but then slams his break again... then he gets in the right lane and flips me off..i tell my gf to roll down her window and she does so i flip him off and my gf goes and bitches at me about it! why did you do that you didnt have to do that you should respect your elders...this and that.. i said if he would obey the law...(is slow traffic keep right a law anyways? i see signs posted but is it a law?) and show me some respect maybe i would show him respect. i do respect older people but not when they are dis respectful to me first. all i did was tell him he was number one lol.