Ever done something good and then felt terrible afterwords


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
We bagged up all of our girls gifts from last year and gave them to the parents of some kids that live down the road. I also called my brother and had him bag up all of the old toys from his three kids and gave them out as well. When I say I live in a poverty stricken part of Alabama, I'm not sure you really understand how bad it is, but it's pretty bad. It's not that these people don't work, it's just they choose drugs over everything else life has to offer to spend their money on.

Doward, some things just aren't joking matters. I usually try to avoid those subjects, but this one hits close to home.

I'm very very proud of bmoss and would love to be able to shake his hand and give him and his wife a hug.......especially his wife.......:icon_bigg

Merry Christmas


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
Jay that is great you were able to help some kids have a Christmas!! I hate to here about kids with parents on drugs. My mom is in jail for drug related charges, i hate if more for my brothers and sister b/c they are younger with and didnt get the time with her that i did before she chose this path. I can remeber when I was 13 begging my mom to come home on Chritmas Eve. They should do something to people on drugs to keep them from having kids.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
unfortunately a lot of women give their bodies to men in trade for drugs, and that leads to a lot of unwanted pregnancies.

At least you can say you tried to give help this year in the spirit of Christmas. If everyone helped one family that was a little less fortunate than themselves, their would be a lot more happy kids at Christmas.

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas, but I must say, I'll be glad to get back to work so I can start building up my supra fund again.........:evil2:


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
Merry Christmas everybody!! I just wanted to say that there are some really great caring people on this forum!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
It wasn't until I read this thread that I realized this. I posted earlier that me and the wife actually had some money left over on Christmas day. This thread opened my eyes to a possible reason why. For the first time, we got an angel off the angel tree, and provided a Christmas to a child who otherwise may not have gotten anything this Christmas. We have always wanted to do that, but haven't ever been able. I believe that God or Karma definitely had something to do with it.

Here's a story that really touched me personally. Two years ago, my daughter was 17 years old. It was another of those years that we just couldn't do anything for anyone else , other than our 4 kids. She had received over $250 worth of Old Navy gift cards, because that is all she had asked for from everyone. She had plans with her best friend to go spend all that on the 26th. Then, on the news that night she watched as a family lost everything they owned in a Christmas afternoon house fire. That next morning, instead of going shopping, she called the news station, and asked for how to contact this family. She met the 3 girls at Old Navy, and spent every bit of her money getting them some new clothes. The news was so impressed with a 17 yr old girl doing this that she found herself on the news that night. Now, she is majoring in broadcast journalism, a life long dream anyway. But now she has made friends with several at that station. I'm sure she will do an internship there somewhere along the way.