-:|Update - 2008-12-09|:-
Time to start making proper updates in this thread, and this is the first one of many
Today I checked the ABS error codes and got 32 and 34 :/
32: Left front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction
34: Open circuit in front speed sensor
Any ideas how I should solve these errors?
What does #34 actually mean? Is it a short somewhere?
I also notice that there was no air left in the front left tire :/ so I need to get that repaired.
Since I now can open the trunk I decided to take a look in there.
There was no spare wheel there, but I did find a set of jumper cables and when opening the little
door on the left side I found one stock jack, a set of toyota tools and alot of wheel nuts and some
of them where locknuts, the "key" was also there.
Also when looking thru that door I notice a bit of rust on the wheel well :/
But that is just a very minor problem since the supra will be taken down into its smallest pieces.
When it's taken apart I will take care of all the rust and the undercarriage will be stripped of it's
undercoating. I've heard that it's very thick. True? Has anyone weight it?
Brakefluid is down to the low mark. When Driving the car a little it felt like the brakes in the rear
where on. I'm guessing that was the handbrake since it has been standing outside.
The brakes will be renovated, sandblasted and painted. Any suggestion on the color? Red?
(The car will remain red)
I will also upgrade the brake hoses to stainless steel braided hoses. But there are alot to
choose from, any suggestions?
I found a little oil around the first sparkplug, but the connector was dry.
Could it be due to bad cam cover seals?
When I sat down in it I got some drops of water on me so I looked up and notice that the inner roof
on the targa was wet, but just a little out on the edge. Bad targa seal?
If you have looked in the project thread about my Mazda (there is actually one more

) you
can see what kind of stuff I do with my cars
Since I'm new with supras I need some help and pointers along the way. Thanks in advance.
Just showing that I now can open the trunk
All the wheel nuts that I found
Found some rust
I got this with the car
No air left
This is where the targa seal is leaking :/