Here are my pictures from the E-town meet last weekend. I want to apologize for some of the quality of the pictures down at the tree. Something was shady with my camera. I'll post a couple vids when they are done uploading.

OfnaRcR4;983099 said:I want to go to a fun meet like that.
supra1008;983118 said:Yea tell me about it!! That looks fun as hell
AF1JZ;983122 said:Why didn't you come then? You're only down in Philly.
AF1JZ;983691 said:Ah, I see. That's shitty. You going to be coming to the Philly meet though right?
Supraholics;1014018 said:who's the owner?
JoeSupra;1016148 said:His name is joe aka lagged on the fourms. love that car has a really clean 1jz swap in it.