engine seems like it shivers 7mgte


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
hi u guys its been a while since ive posted but a problem that came up that im having trouble trying to find and hoping i can get some good suggestions while i do some small stuff like injector testing coil inspection and spark wires and plugs inspection but doubt it cause they are fairly new

i put new motor mounts in because the old ones were both split. before i put them in the engine had some small shiver feeling to it. it made the car vibrate lightly and now with the new mounts in it, it vibrates alot more well maybe cause the old split ones took off alot of the vib so was thinking the problem was already there.

the best way to explain is like when Ur really cold and Ur shivering and every once and a while u shiver a bit more for a second. is what my car seems to be doing.
its there right when i start the engine and after it warms all the way up it vibs a bit more

i wouldn't call it shaking but over a couple of days it seems that it might start to.
i would like to make a video for u guys to see but that might be in maybe 3 days.

it is a 1990 5 speed 7mgte.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Does the vibration only happen when in neutral and idling? Does it go away when you bring the RPM's up? Does it vibrate while driving?
Any noises associate with the vibration?
Does you car idle rough when it happens, or do your RPM's drop or lope around?
What have you done recently prior to the vibrations?
Change oil weight?
You mentioned your spark plugs are fairly new. What brand did you have before you changed them. What brand are the new ones? What's your plug gap?
Crank pulley properly torqued to 195ft-lb? Are you running a stock dampner, or an aftermarket pulley?
Recent clutch set change? PP and FW properly torqued? Clutch release bearing good? While it's shivering slowly press in the clutch and see if it goes away, or not.
Any bolt loose like your hood latch, hood shocks, bumper reinforcement bar bolts?


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
thanks for ur reply. the vibration happens the whole time, in idle in all rpm range. it just seems it lighten up above 1500 but still vibrates. was thinking the power steering pump since it was making its usual noises when starting but i ran the car with the belt off to see and not the problem. ther is not really any affect to the rpm. it idles perfect not jumping around. oil is 10-30. both new and old spark plugs are the same brand ther ngk Iridium at .8. the crank pulley was torqued properly and its the stock pulley. the clutch disk was replaced when i took the engine out but the bearing fork and every thing else is the previous one. the gears dont grind, shifts fine, no noise when i press the clutch in and out. pressing the clutch doesn't have any affect to the shivering. hood bolts, shocks are all tight and good, no noise from hood latch. if ur talking about the bar that is right in front of the wheel supporting the bumper i believe 1 of thows is missing but it makes its own litle sqeeky noise from that part of the bumper moving.

i never messed with the sub frame bolts .

history of the car. when i got the car it came from some one that doesn't really know about cars so the engine bay was dirty so after couple of months i took the engine out and replaced a bunch of stuff cleaned her up repainted block engine bay and some gaskets and did some wire tucking and had to fix some crispy wiring.

ill show u guys tommorow . i can get a holed of a nice camera that takes good video so i can put it up to show u guys.
thanks for the help :)


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
o forgot. the idle pulley is the previous one. it spines good and every thing. Didn't seem wobbly when i was inspecting it


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
well couldn't get a good camera instead i got some old school one but it should be fine. ill make the video tomorrow. ill just be describing a bunch of stuff that ive done to the car.


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
all right u guys here is the video of what i perty much done to the car. hopine u guys know if any think i did causing this
sorry for the quality i had to use a old camera and looks like youtube downgraded my vid quality.



Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
krazy2o9;1811865 said:
i never messed with the sub frame bolts .

He was suggesting tightening them because things get loose after years of driving, not because you've messed with them ;)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I'm gonna guess that it has to do with what you did with your exhaust. I could never really hear it, but your descriptions pointing to the passenger door and shifter make me think that way. Yes, you feel it other places, but those were your first two that you pointed out.


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
k after i drive it a bit im going to start torqing some bolts to see if ther in spec and maybe going to have to re do my exhaust again.


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
ok ive found the timeing belt to be realy loose but not enough to skip a tooth so i tighten it. so i ran the car again with the power stearing belt off and fan and altinater and timing cover off all at once and the shivering is still ther. i notice that oil pump pully is a bit wabbaly and when i put my finger on top of the timing belt couse i like to be dangeres it felt like it was viberating. my buddys supra seems to have a bad main bearing or something else couse his crank pully is wobbleing a bit and making a knocking noise and his doesent shake.

so i wanted to ask if a bad oil pump or oil pump pully and shaft go bad and couse it to shake or does a bad oil pump do something else.

o and another thing. its starting to turn to a viberation then a shiver so its geting worse i belive. now when i hit 2k rpm it the viberation gets a bit worse then when it goes to around 3.5 it goes away.
i will be doing a compression test next


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Your buddy's crank pulley is loose. It wobbling is causing the knocking noise.

Did I hear you right when you mentioned that your exhaust is still touching the underside of your car? If that's the case then that can cause the vibration.
You also said you ran your car without the fan belt and it helped a little, but the vibes was still there. You don't have a big chip in your fan do you?
Your car starts right away and idles smooth, so I don't think it would be your timing.


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
san diego
Just a thought you have not just replaced the clutch have you?. My car vibrated from slightly off idle to around 2500 after i replaced the clutch with a aftermarket 6 puck turned out to be a out of balance pressure plate.


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
o snaps i thought i posted a reply yesterday but i gess it dident go threw :(
the exhaust is not toughing no more its all good. fan blades are all good. but still viberating
when i had the engine out i did replace the clutch disk only so maybe could be my presser plate.
i dont know if this would be my problem but my car drives around like im towing alot of weight it seems slow and slugesh from leaving from a stop and to top it all off it wasting gas alot. especially when i get off the freeway the gas gauge dropes a good bit and stayes ther. im looking in to this right now checking my presser regulater and fuel injecters right now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Are you sure that ALL of your spark plugs are firing?
Cause that's what the problem sounds like.
If any water gets down in the spark valley, the plug wire will ground to the head, rather than send the spark to the plug.
That, or two of the wires may be on the wrong plugs.


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
hmm just checkit it. so on the coil pack from left to right, left being the turbo side. 163425. is this right?

EDIT: just noticed my plug modle number and ther ngk bcpr6egp
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
hi u guys. well here is my commpression test numbers 1-178 2-180 3-180 4-180 5-179 6-175. i also changed the spark plugs to some ngk 4644