His oil was at the Full mark on the dipstick, only thing i noticed was the oil pressure gauge sat above the first "tick" mark from the bottom mark at idle. The story on this car is that when they got the car the motor was already blown they had found another used 7MGTE and swapped it in, the mechanic didnt hook up the oil pressure sender plug, the knock sensors, boost sensor, water temp sensor. Only thing that worked was the Gas, RPM, and Speedo. He drove the car like that for a good while. He blew the headgasket a month later, funny thing is he never knew the car was overheating because the guage never worked.
Im sure he drove the car around with little to no water in the radiator. When it finally did go he confirmed there was nothing in the radiator and when he drained his oil it looked like nesquik very foamy nesquik. So im assuming that because all of the water that mixed with the oil without him knowing at the time mustve shortened the life of the bearings. After i bolted his new head down and he reassembled he drove the car around for about a 4 weeks on an off kept having an intake leak. When all was well he drove the car to my place and back home then the next day Sept 30th is when it started.