Engine mount issues!


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Ahh, i just reread my post. I meant to say nuts where I said bolts in my previous post. Also, you may need to put a box wrench on the nut that you can get to from above so that doesn't spin while you are wrenching on the bottom one


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
New York
I already took the nuts off by getting at them from the top; it was pretty easy. I can't get the bolts out though that's the only problem I have left to lifting this engine. And i assume they need to come out, because of the angle of the bolts the engine can't come straight up. But even with the nuts of I still can't get anything in terms of turning out of the bolts through the bottom. Are they threaded into the mounts or something? Should they just pop out from the bottom? I used a pretty big pipe to try and get some torque on it but it's really straining my tools and nothing is happening. Someone please help me with useful information this is being such a pain in the ass. I don't have much experience working on cars but i've done my fair share of engine rebuilds. I just wanna get to that part already.


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
New York
SOOO...I had a revelation when i noticed that i wasn't being told to watch for the car to raise as im lifting the engine but that what i think is the cherry picker lifting the car is just the springs unloading. I felt dumb when i found this out I couldn't believe i didn't see it. ANYWAY, as i was "unloading the springs", I noticed that the engine was coming out. Apparently the bolts don't need to be out to lift the engine. Somehow it just works. Anyway i'm off to the hardware store to get bolts for my engine stand. THANKS A BUNCH EVERYONE. I don't know if you can tell but i'm extremely happy.


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
New York
Yeah i'm glad i got that cleared up also. Except now the engine won't separate from the tranny. And I don't think its the "I forgot about the clutch release fork". It won't separate at all. It's like it's glued together. I think I got all the bolts. There was that one i almost missed on the passenger side thats nearly impossible to get at. And i can't seem to find another on the other side and I didn't think toyota would be crazy/evil enough to put another one over there. These are the upper ones by the way, I got both on the bottom. So anyway, I tried shaking it to get it to separate and i tried prying a couple times but couldn't really find a good spot to do so. And oh yeah...I can't get the fork out. Mostly because I can barely fit my hand into that area to try and put any pulling force on it. I have an 87 turbo by the way. I feel like every step I take that gets me closer to having this thing out, the end gets two steps farther away.


Jun 26, 2007
hagerstown, MD
Hey sm: reread post #19 (unloading springs). Make sure you remove the support brackets that connect the engine and tranny, as well as the bolts that bolt the engine/tranny directly together. There is more holding the motor to the tranny than just the bolts through the bell housing. I think eight bolts total. The tranny should have been removed before you loosened mount bolts and tried to lift the motor. If you cant separate engine/tranny remove radiator and take out together. If you go that route the car needs to be a good foot or more off the ground. If you don't have a load leveler for your lift don't even try it. If the full weight of the trans is hanging on the motor with no support at the tail shaft, it's not going to come off very easy.


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
New York
So I got all of the bolts out. I missed the two that threaded into the block from the tranny side. The transmission and engine are now separated. The engine doesn't want to come all the way for some reason though. And I took the clutch release fork out already. I'm not sure if there was something else i was supposed to take out. I'm gonna try to read up on this and find out if I can't figure this out myself but I thought i'd post anyway because if i don't find anything hopefully they'll be an answer on here by the time im done searching. I just wish the Haynes manual went more into detail with this stuff. "Remove transmission" isn't quite the type of detail I was expecting.