Read all that I could stand, looked around for the technical data, and it's not there in much quantity.
My thoughts are this.
1) The guy is a Earth First nutjob. That is very clear.
2) He has found out what many engine builders/designers have known for years. Turbulent mixtures burn better. (IE: Vortec engines etc.)
3) His "Grove" patent is something he wants to be paid for.
4) I'm not sure it would work very well with a dished piston design v/s a flat top, or raised dome piston where "squish" is much more of a factor.
From what I know of the 7MGTE design, it's squish areas are only around the edges of the piston dish. (So they are pretty small to start with.)
The head has some designed into it, but the piston design on the turbo motor negates much of the head's combustion chamber flat surfaces.
This is enhanced by anyone who might have rounded over, or cleaned up the combustion chamber, to unshroud the valves for example.
Like IJ, I'm not sure I'd want to cut a large grove, or series of groves into this head. It was never designed for that, and avoiding the coolant passeges would be mandatory, and inducing the right, or more effective swirl pattern would take quite a bit of luck, or testing to perfect.
His claims are on Briggs and Stratton type side valve motors. Nobody uses a motor like that on a modern automobile. The gains to be found on modern designs, and I'd venture, most 4 valve head designs would be minimal at best, and only worth screwing with if you are already into the engine, and doing machine work. (And then it's a crapshoot if your going to improve, or screw up the original design work.. Or worse, cut into a coolant jacket, and ruin the head.)
This might be useful on a "bathtub" combustion chamber design, that many two valve domestic engine's have used for many years. They have large squish areas, generally use flat top pistons, and might see gains from added swirl of the intake charge. (Thus the reason the "Vortec" and other high swirl engine designs have come along like the LS heads and tall thin intakes they use.) The LS7 engine does not make so much power because it's not mixing the air and fuel poorly !
So my personal thought is that this is mostly hype, with some simple truth attached to it. (The best type of hype actually, people get on the band wagon better when they can focus on the truth, but ignore the bullshit/hype.)
I seriously doubt that this modification is going to take a Suburban for example, cut some groves into the heads and then improve the fuel economy by 40%+.
I also doubt that it's going to be much of an improvement on a dished piston design engine. (Like the 7MGTE.)
My coatings would do more. (Have done more. I've seen 30mpg at 80mph cruise at 14.7:1 AF on the way to Vegas and back... Not too shabby for a 420rwhp engine in a 3800lb car.) No groves needed, but the coatings do improve and enhance the thermal properties of this, or any IC engine.
My .02 cents.