Engine bay clean up


2JZ no sh*t!
Mar 5, 2007
Stockton, CA
Im with kamekaz, where are some ideas? We get it, removing egr is not a good idea. But like someone said about extending the wires to get cleaner look, thats a pretty good idea. I mean as long as you do it right anyways.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
you can do a wire tuck, relocate the charcoal canister to the fender well and other parts can fit in there too theirs a a lot of room.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
kamikazemkiii;1395591 said:
i started this thread just to see what ideas people had and what they've done
please keep it that way


And I told you why you don't want to do a couple things that always get suggested. You're welcome. :3d_frown:


Obsessed with photography
Feb 27, 2008
St Louis, MO
I get your point. Message received and understood: you know the removal of the EGR is a bad idea. And whether or not you decide to do this, you want to do anything you can to simplify the engine bay. I’ve seen this done on a number of different cars over the years, not just on Hondas. It all depends on how far you’re willing to go to accomplish this goal.

For example, years ago, I saw a setup on the net where someone (Dean Marcum maybe?) eliminated the throttle cable bracket across the cam covers and just had the throttle cable coming up under the back side of the intake to pull on the throttle cable opening bracket from under the intake.

I don’t know about the validity of doing this, but you might be able to remove the cruise control assembly. I don’t know about whether or not this will affect anything else, computer-wise.

Removing the AC compressor and all associated components will certainly clean up the engine bay. Various people have done that through the years, allowing them to relocate the alternator to a lower location, thus making it easier to install a FFIM.

Instead of running a majority of the vacuum lines around and over the top of your intake, you could probably run them under the throttle body between the upper and lower intake (assuming you’re sticking with a standard TB setup, rather than going with a FFIM intake setup).

Removing the ABS is another possibility, but keep in mind that if your car originally came with ABS and you remove it, and then get into an accident, your insurance company may very well have the mother of all hissy fits. Yes, I know that on some MK3s, the ABS is…ahhhh…problematic, to say the least, but your insurance company may very well decide not to cover you in the event of an accident once they find out that the ABS has been removed.

Another possibility that would be possible but that I wouldn’t recommend would be to relocate your conical air filter to a location outside the engine bay and under the headlight. Yes, this will “clean up the engine bay”. And yes, it will possibly pull in cooler air while the car is moving due to the air filter being outside the engine bay. It’s also going to open up the possibility of sucking water into your air filter and, ultimately, into your engine during wet weather operation. Let’s put it this way: how well do you like the possibility of hydro lock?

It might be possible to relocate your power steering pump reservoir to a location outside the engine bay if you used enough creativity in doing so. I’m not sure how you’d check the fluid level or add fluid in this case, but I guess it’s a possibility.

If you’re good with wiring and are willing to extend many of your factory wires, there are all sorts of things you can move from the engine bay and into the inner fender well. To name a few, you could relocate the check connector, the igniter, the injector resistor pack, the boost gauge sending unit, the alarm horn near the firewall, and the fuel pump relay. Please note that putting these components outside the engine bay and into the fender wells will subject them to water coming up from the tires…obviously not a good thing.

Please note that these are DEFINITELY NOT things I’d do, and I don’t really recommend them. You asked what was POSSIBLE, not what would be a good idea. I don’t wish to give out information that would be detrimental to your MK3 or anyone else’s Again, I don’t recommend doing most of these things, as this is the type of thing that leads to a “My car is screwed up and I don’t know why.” thread. Nevertheless, it’s your car, so do what you want. Not to sound callous, but if you do this stuff and something screws up, be prepared to get flamed when you post your “My car doesn’t run.” thread. Use any and/or all of these ideas ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK!

While your car’s setup might seem complicated from the factory, Toyota doesn’t put unnecessary parts on their vehicles. No matter how the components are set up, they’re there for a good reason…

Hope this helps…


Sep 17, 2005
lewis15498;1395581 said:
If theres one thing i have learned with cars, its dont fuck around with anything until you completely understand what it is, what it does, how it does it, and what will happen if it malfunctions or is removed.

Hmm, I completley understand what abs system does. yes i removed it and rerouted all my brake lines, works like a charm.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
madsupra88;1395747 said:
Hmm, I completley understand what abs system does. yes i removed it and rerouted all my brake lines, works like a charm.


What is the bias percentage at now compared to stock (yes that means NUMBERS). How about pressure for brake activation v stock? How about stopping distances v the "archaic" system in these cars?

Don't have that except "it feels good or feels the same"?


Active Member
Mar 21, 2009
North Carolina
jdub;1395693 said:
And I told you why you don't want to do a couple things that always get suggested. You're welcome. :3d_frown:

i dont understand what your getting at jdub
if your talking about what i think, im pretty sure theres other things people have done that everyone dosent know of


Sep 17, 2005
figgie;1395822 said:

What is the bias percentage at now compared to stock (yes that means NUMBERS). How about pressure for brake activation v stock? How about stopping distances v the "archaic" system in these cars?

Don't have that except "it feels good or feels the same"?

Have u ever seen a 1986.5 N/A supra..... they dont come with abs... you know something SUPER cool. u can yank that setup and install it on your car! and if u really want numbers.... look up the manual u should be satisfied..


Old Man
Sep 15, 2006
American Fork, UT
In my opinion cleanliness and attention to detail i.e. proper attachment points for wire harness, vac lines, fresh paint, a little polish etc. is what sets an engine bay apart from the average car. I don't think it is necessary or advisable to remove components to make an engine bay look good.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
i lost a bit of low end truq when i ditched my egr in my old 86.5 long ago 10 years ( was to lazy to put it back on or i was to cheep to fix ether one ?)

if remember i right

allot of egr system don't even work right after 200 plus k cause there usely clogged and such from lack of mancatice and the cars was push all it's life not saying all of them thou

trubo car will usely plug up faster then an n/a car as well

some times it's good idea to clean that shit out and if you don't it will suck back more fuel ........will it blow up don't think so


Droppin that JZ in soon!
Apr 18, 2007
Brampton, ON
^ lol, looks like someone is trying to up his post count.

If you extend wires, run it along the firewall and/or wheel wells away from the heat to prolong wire life or "accidents" and you can put wires going to common locations in a protective loom.


On the road again..
Dec 9, 2007
EOS;1395719 said:
Removing the ABS is another possibility, but keep in mind that if your car originally came with ABS and you remove it, and then get into an accident, your insurance company may very well have the mother of all hissy fits. Yes, I know that on some MK3s, the ABS is…ahhhh…problematic, to say the least, but your insurance company may very well decide not to cover you in the event of an accident once they find out that the ABS has been removed.

Not all MK3s came with ABS. Check your insurance policy to see if you are getting a discount for ABS. If you do, and your car doesn't, then you may not be covered in an accident. They probably wouldn't check unless there was bodily injury involved. The ABS is not problematic. After 20 years, yes, the sensors will need to be replaced, so a little maintenance is required.

EOS;1395719 said:
Another possibility that would be possible but that I wouldn’t recommend would be to relocate your conical air filter to a location outside the engine bay and under the headlight. Yes, this will “clean up the engine bay”. And yes, it will possibly pull in cooler air while the car is moving due to the air filter being outside the engine bay. It’s also going to open up the possibility of sucking water into your air filter and, ultimately, into your engine during wet weather operation. Let’s put it this way: how well do you like the possibility of hydro lock?

The stock air filter is located at an opening near the passenger side headlight. If anything, by placing a conical air filter inside the engine bay, we are defeating the original cold air intake design. Some type of hybrid design would be best. The most creative design I saw was Crisp's "Briggs & Stratton" CAI. It allows him to keep the cone air filter while drawing in outside air.

I think this has been a very interesting thread. Remember, removing "stuff" also devalues your Supra in terms of resale or appraisals.


New Member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
madsupra88;1396582 said:
This is VERY true.

True and not true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I don't think any of us would honestly consider trading in our car to a dealership.. its just stupid. Most of us are selling the car to HOPEFULLY someone that has knowledge of cars. Someone might actually pay more for a car that has already had the engine bay "cleaned" there's two sides to this coin IMO.