That article also says not to drink tap water :icon_roll
I'll pick it apart though:
Looking at my can of soda right here... Nope, not in it.
You might not know whats in it. Manufacturers are not obligated to list every ingredient. Under " natural ingredients " they can put anything they want including MSG and whatever else they want.
There is no RDA of sugar. Also keep in mind that fruits are naturally high in sugar. It's fuel, just like everything else you consume, if you don't burn it, you store it.
refined white sugar and fructose in fruit is different , fructose has much lower glycemic index. much more potent.
First off, I don't like artifical sweeteners. Second, nothing is "toxic." There is toxicity and at what levels do things become toxic. Aspartame has been tested worldwide and found to be safe at the levels used. Also keep in mind pure oxygen is toxic.
well take you chances with that one.
I already said caffeine free
This plain and simple isn't true. They filter the water so that the product's taste can be tightly controlled and be duplicated in all their bottling plants.
did you ever see filters after their life from 5 or 6 stage RO unit? take a look some time and see what you are making your body process.
I've heard this before, but it's not the "demon drink" that people make it out to be. Ever see the fat lady going to McD's and getting one of everything and getting a water? (I have).
its not the people , its a medical research thus its a fact, not an opinion.
One can also argue that most "juices" have as much nutritional value as soda as most aren't truely "juice."