PIC REQUEST: e-brake setup. I'm looking for the e-brake set up properly with the correct hardware, nothing missing, that's all. You can skip the rest of the story if it is of no interest to you
I came home today and I decided to change my emergency brake shoes because I had recently changed the cable and the car doesn't hold. A scraping sounds came from the rear when rolling at about 15km/h and it brings it to a very slow stop.
I figured they were dead, and I figured right!....when I got in there, the shoes were not only rusted to shit, but there were no remains of pads whatsoever. Worse than that, is all the springs were completely rusted out and disintegrated. Wait did I say disintegrated? Yes! :icon_razz They had just fell apart into very small pieces.
I'm pretty sure there should be three springs (two for the top and one below). The tensioner was rusted up but not seized and cleaned out nicely and threads like new.
I'm going to purchase a new spring kit tomorrow and get it finished asap. Most likely just from a local store because I want to have it tomorrow to finish it. That's basically it, I just need a picture for reference to be sure before I go back in there.
Oh, I also forgot to mention the rotors got chewed up by the unlines shoes so I have to replace those too, damn. I already have a set of those though .....just need to remember to buy brake cleaner, always forget! :icon_razz
If anyone could get a pic or two up for me by tmorrow afternoon I'd appreciate it, thanks in advance
I came home today and I decided to change my emergency brake shoes because I had recently changed the cable and the car doesn't hold. A scraping sounds came from the rear when rolling at about 15km/h and it brings it to a very slow stop.
I figured they were dead, and I figured right!....when I got in there, the shoes were not only rusted to shit, but there were no remains of pads whatsoever. Worse than that, is all the springs were completely rusted out and disintegrated. Wait did I say disintegrated? Yes! :icon_razz They had just fell apart into very small pieces.
I'm pretty sure there should be three springs (two for the top and one below). The tensioner was rusted up but not seized and cleaned out nicely and threads like new.
I'm going to purchase a new spring kit tomorrow and get it finished asap. Most likely just from a local store because I want to have it tomorrow to finish it. That's basically it, I just need a picture for reference to be sure before I go back in there.
Oh, I also forgot to mention the rotors got chewed up by the unlines shoes so I have to replace those too, damn. I already have a set of those though .....just need to remember to buy brake cleaner, always forget! :icon_razz
If anyone could get a pic or two up for me by tmorrow afternoon I'd appreciate it, thanks in advance