Finally, preigniton is a completely different phenomena than detonation. Seems to me a Supraguru should already know that stuff

well i interchange the words when im not talking to engineers who use the terms correctly.
for reference for anyone spying in
knock currently has two theories to explain its orgin
autoignition and detonation
ill focus on detonation since that is what is being discussed
detonation is the theory that under knocking conditions the flame front accelerates to sonic velocity and takes over the unburned gas mixure at a rate much faster than it would under normal conditions. this is a attempt to explain the knock phenomina which is rapid release of energy in the unburned region of the clyinder. this theory also would explain the second part of knock which is the transmission of strong perssure waves accross the cylinder and the sound that resonates through the engine.
currently at least downstairs in the advanced combustion group the auto ignition theory is winning as the main cause of end gas energy release.
okay so we will settlethis as so
we both aggree that egr obviously slows the flame front down thereby keeping the end gas cooler reducing NOx and reduceing the chances of autoignition of the end gas. the best research ive been able to do shows GM being the first with egr in the 70s and it was used to reduce NOx.
i end with this picture out of a book which is pretty much a combustion engineers bible
it shows two graphs one showing the spark advance needed to achieve maximum brake torque
the one below showing bsfc for a moderate speed and high speed combustion chamber as you can see the only reason spark advance increases is because the reaction is becoming more inefficent with egr and hapening slower and at the expense of power. you can also see for this range of combustion speeds the timing adjustment for flowing egr for the moderate speed is 5 degrees and for the fast combustion chamber (not us) 10 degrees
since you have access to a scope and i am using the one at work right now maybe you can watch timing to see how much the stock ecu adjusts for egr on points
i still feel that egr only buys you more knock margin because it takes away from engine performance. if you put egr on a engine in order to get it back to the performance level it was at you HAVE to advance timing and pull fuel
o and i understand how complicated the ecu is. i work tuneing the calibration for engines at work and half of our day is spent negotiating with the software people versus processing data from the test cells. if people knew just how many tables and parameters there were in ecms i think they would be blown away