EGR vacuum help


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
**This is NOT a discussion on why or not to run EGR, all that has been discussed in detail before.**

Ok as some of you already know, I've been running a FFIM for some time now. But the EGR was removed and now I am getting the EGR back together. I have all the parts new from toyota, and have a couple of questions: (I have looked at the TSRM but some questions are not answered)

1. (I no longer have the stock TB) The vac port on the stock TB for EGR, is this feed before or after the throttle plate?

2. The EGR vacuum modulator, the top two vac ports are labeled "P" and "Q", which one is from the VSV and which one is to the EGR valve?

Thanks guys.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
You be welcome. Upstream means the air filter side. Downstream means the plenum side. Being on the air filter side means with the throttle plate closed the port will not be exposed to vacuum. That prevents EGR at idle. The VSV prevents EGR during other times...


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
I've wondered why Toyota did it this way...mechanical cut-off of vac at idle via the port. It would seem easier to use the ECU to activate the VSV when IDL is on.