DWY (driving while young) should I tint?


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I'm not sure if you've ever driven a car with dark tint before... but making sharp turns at night sucks, you can't see shit out the side windows. So before you tint yours maybe see if a friend with tint will let you take their car for a spin at night through a city/town so you can see if you like it. My wife has tint on her car and it's really annoying at night driving around town.


Your cops must suck. Our cops are nice, they only bother you if you seem like you want to be bothered (by crashing into things or driving like you plan to crash into things). Otherwise they are too busy breaking up domestic disputes and chasing dirtbag meth dealers... or just corralling the drunkards. We have 30 bars in a town of 10,000, one on every block (ok, every two blocks).

Maybe you need to move to a town with more bars. I think that may work better than tint.

hey...it runs

New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Right. I don't like how dark it makes it at night but I'm only going to go 35%. I drove down to the police statement today as somebody suggested earlier and was glad I did. The officer gave me the official site with the laws on it and said if I go 35% all around (except windshield) I should be fine. That is the combo that allows the darkest fronts legally. Since it's only thirty five I'm not too worried about night time driving. And yes. I am 18 as of about three hours ago. Today I found out that a girl in my school went to court for three accidents and two tickets (or vice versa) and it got dismissed. She had an atturney but that wouldn't have helped me. I was just like she gets in three accidents and they're sending me to safety school?

Lastly, I really want to tint, but the back half of my car has some unfinished body work and needs a coat of clear. I could finish it myself with a friend for probably about the same price as tinting myself. White car so the clear wouldn't have to be perfect. Should I tint or make the paint look nice? I would like to do both by the end of summer.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
My point was to get samples stick it on the window and get the Cop to check it just in case the factory tint puts your 35% at 38>39%...

Better safe than sorry if you get stopped again.


New Member
Oct 18, 2009
I used to get pulled over because i looked 15, and when they see that im 22 they start trying to find anything wrong with my car and give me a ticket for it. Then i started not shaving my mustache and it worked they stopped pulling me over all the time.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
One thing I did with all the vehicles I own is not to tint the rear most window. Besides the fact that it makes backing up next to impossible at night if the police are behind you and can see clear through they are less likely to bother you over tint as unless they get side by side with you they will assume you have none.

Also I always stagger my tint front to rear; the rear being darker than the fronts to make the fronts slightly less obviously tinted. Here tinting the front windows at all is illegal.


HKS Whore!!!
Oct 31, 2005
Los Angeles, California, United States
5% tint on doors and hatch never been hassled. Get them done at a shop, warranty is better than doing it yourself all over again.



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
jetjock;1814375 said:
It actually means the opposite. Not that it applies to the OP now that he's fessed up.
Ahh... reading it again, I would interpret that to mean that if the cops are harassing you needlessly or violating your constitutional rights, they're opening themselves up to lawsuits. Granted, I thought it meant that they could do whatever they like (to an extent) because of what I've seen in the past. Moot point now though.

destrux;1814503 said:
I'm not sure if you've ever driven a car with dark tint before... but making sharp turns at night sucks, you can't see shit out the side windows. So before you tint yours maybe see if a friend with tint will let you take their car for a spin at night through a city/town so you can see if you like it. My wife has tint on her car and it's really annoying at night driving around town.
Not a bad idea at all. Living in a well lit city, having tint isn't so bad. Living in the sticks in the winter, where your windows are up, and it's dark and cold by 5pm or so, it kinda sucks having tint at night. Well, giving another car a shot before spending the money tinting your own, I'd agree, is a good idea.

Canuckrz;1814598 said:
Also I always stagger my tint front to rear; the rear being darker than the fronts to make the fronts slightly less obviously tinted. Here tinting the front windows at all is illegal.
I did that with my 88, went something like 5% on the rear 3 windows, and whatever was Arizona legal up front, it did make the fronts seem "lighter" than they really were, but Utah tried telling me it was illegal to have them that dark. Kindly reminded them I didn't live in Utah, nor was my car registered there, and they sent me on my way. Revenue collecting bastards down there, I swear.

Why is tinting illegal where you live? That seems silly to completely outlaw it. Do they outlaw driving with sunglasses too?


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
te72;1815082 said:
I did that with my 88, went something like 5% on the rear 3 windows, and whatever was Arizona legal up front, it did make the fronts seem "lighter" than they really were, but Utah tried telling me it was illegal to have them that dark. Kindly reminded them I didn't live in Utah, nor was my car registered there, and they sent me on my way. Revenue collecting bastards down there, I swear.

Why is tinting illegal where you live? That seems silly to completely outlaw it. Do they outlaw driving with sunglasses too?
I assume its something like the police think tint makes a difference if the person in said car intends to pull a weapon. Which is stupid for several reasons, but we live in a society where laws are put in place based on stopping everyone from doing something because of something the worst of us has done.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Sorry to hear that man. In that case, I'm surprised they even let you drive, have you ever SEEN World's Scariest Police Chases? :aigo: