DWY (driving while young) should I tint?


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Oh, and ... curfew? WTF? Seriously? I haven't heard of a curfew enforced by the police since the 70s, and I've been in more countries than I can remember. I thought the USA was the land of the free?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under

GrimJack;1814154 said:
Oh, and ... curfew? WTF? Seriously? I haven't heard of a curfew enforced by the police since the 70s, and I've been in more countries than I can remember. I thought the USA was the land of the free?


Oct 11, 2009
Miami FL
hey...it runs;1814082 said:
Hello supramania. I just got screwed big time because I look young. Was driving past curfew, perfectly, soberly, and got busted for curfew. They can literally pull me over past curfew because I look young even if you're of age. I've been pulled over 6 times in two years and five of those were for bogus violations. I'm sick of this, and I can't afford a second ticket.

I have a theory, should I go legal tint on my windows. I believe its 35% all the way around except windshield. I could do it myself for around fifty bucks. My theory is that if they can't see how young I am so easily, maybe they won't pull me over. Would it help me, hurt me, or not make a difference? My car is licensed to my name and it is a little beat up here and there.

Do mkiiis have factory tint? I NEED to know this because cops arouns here have tint checkers and that 5% could get me a ticket. I know the glass has some funny blue polarization on it but would that lower the tint. I NEED to be legal or they will ticket me for sure. Thanks guys.

I just had to...


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
Austin, Texas, United States
I love texas.... There is no longer a tint law here, as a shop here took the state to court and now you can even go 5% if you want :p This summer I plan on getting tint.. im just going to pick whatever I want for MY car, yay!... XD

Oh, and if you learn to spot them.. it's stupid easy to tell wen a cop is "interested" in you and slip away into the back roads before they can reach for the light bar :p (I drove around for 3~4 months with no reg/inspection/insurance And yeah.. you get VERY good at reading there movements :) )

hey...it runs

New Member
Aug 15, 2011
My op isn't perfectly accurate on my age just because you have to be careful on the internet this day. By yes, I am old enough not to worry now, and when I got the ticket and went to court, I wansnt.

It's not even just curfew. I get pulled over for any violation (including snow on my license plate) because I'm young. I want to make my supra look more like a middle aged man's toy and not a teenagers DD. Finishing the body work ATM. After that, a slight tint and I think it might work. Cops around here target young drivers. If the cop didn't see m face, would I have gotten pulledover for snow on my plate?


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
Sadly that's probably one of the perks in your area and your just going to have to deal. The reality is being young myself that there are a lot of kids buying up old asian imports and "tuning" them or ruining them whichever you prefer, who go out doing stupid shit in them and getting in trouble. This is probably especially true around a college campus. Hence the cops probably hassling all young people with sports cars.


New Member
May 20, 2010
IJ.;1814153 said:
I read the OP as he's old enough to be out past curfew but doesn't look it?

Am I wrong?

I don't see why he would be "screwed big time" as he says if he isn't old enough. If you're of age the you don't have a curfew, therefore no problem.

Jay C

New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Omaha, NE
It sounds like the cops are just using the "you look young" and "Curfew" as a way to pull you over and make sure you are driving legally and more probably aren't driving while intoxicated or under the influence. Several years ago this happened to me alot as i worked 3rd shift so on my days off i would go grocery shopping and what not at 3 am. The cops in the town would pull me over reguarly for either improper display of license plate or not having mud flaps. Unfurtunately there precinct policy was that if you got pulled over you had to be cited for something so i recieved at least 7 fix it tickets. The funny thing is i would take the fix it tickets to the county sheriffs without changing anything and they would always laugh and sign it. If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them stopping you. I would just be happy you look young enough for them to think you might be breaking curfew. My 35 year old wife about 3 years ago was carded for a rated R movie.

If you want to get tint on your car becuase you like the look of it go for it. However, if you are only doing it to avoid being pulled over again i would say don't do it. Just my 2 cents worth.


Oct 11, 2007
Turbo Habanero;1814138 said:
I love Arizona for this one point. I can go almost as dark as i want and i have never been hassled about it ever.

My 1989 Supra came with Maroon Window tint from the factory and let me tell you it was a bitch to get off lol
Ive seen people out here with tint over their entire windshield haha. And it isn't rare to see interior temps of 160f after the car has been parked outside for a brief time. The case of my maft pro basically melted one day because I accidentally left it out on the floor and the sun hit it..

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Yep. Our constitution, (the really good parts) is not followed. Things like equal protection of the law. Don't worry. You will have silver hair one day, and they will let you speed and pull the kid over in the Camaro. Not only is that illegal, it is immoral.


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
OP, exactly how old are you?

I got pulled over once at 2A.M. The officer said i was "Swerving to the left." & I knew for a FACT i wasn't because i could tell the car behind me was a cruiser. so i was driving with caution & i was 100% sober.
Got pulled over & next thing i know 4 more patrol cars appear, total of 5 cars.... & they asked me where i was coming from & i said "the club" they did the sobriety test & i passed easily & they let me go.
Why i got pulled over? i was the only car in sight at 2 in the morning. What im trying to say is fear nothing if you know you haven't done anything wrong. The window tinting won't stop them from pulling you over.

& well i say hell yes, tint them windows. when my windows were clear i had a LOOOOT of Honda boys pull up soo close next to me. They would stare at me & nod their head at me gesturing "whats up" with the douche bag face on & try to race me...
It pissed me off because every single time they pulled next to me like that it felt like they were going to break off my mirrors. I believe window tinting helps hide whatever you have inside the car. anyone can look into clear windows without making themselves obvious. but if you want to look inside a car with tinted windows its going to be obvious.. so it helps against theft id say.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Bro, it's Chitown. CPD are generally asshats about imports and especially tint. IIRC, Illinois tint laws say no less than 35% visibility through the tint... but Chicago seems to make their own laws against things.

You say you get pulled over because you look young, but I've driven through Chicago in my Supra that's lowered, no front plate, and loud exhaust, look young (when I shave), and have never been pulled over. I even drove past a parked CPD cruiser like that and nothing.

Do you drive like an idiot or are you a cautious and safe driver?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
GrimJack;1814112 said:
In Arizona, cars without tint are rare... I suspect that a car without tint in the noonday sun can spontaneously combust.
It's also nice at high altitudes, sunlight here at 6500' will do the same damage as the sunlight down in AZ, the only reason the car doesn't get *quite* as hot is because the ambient temperature is about 20-30° lower. I bought most of my cars there, and most of them have had tint, for damned good reason. Keeps your interior from melting haha...

jetjock;1814128 said:
If that were me I'd be spending less time studying tint laws and more on 42 U.S.C. 1983...
"Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia."

From: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/1983

Care to translate JJ? I understand that to mean that cops basically have free reign in who they pull over, for whatever reason (or lack thereof) they want. I may be misreading that though.

IJ.;1814153 said:
I read the OP as he's old enough to be out past curfew but doesn't look it?

Am I wrong?
That's how I read it.

As for myself, I have always tinted windows on my cars that didn't have it for three reasons:

-living in high altitudes or Arizona keeps your interior from melting, helps the AC work better too...

-a bit of light sensitivity (can't wear sunglasses however, due to needing prescription glasses.

-what thieves can't see, they're less likely to want. Even so, I try to keep anything valuable out of sight.


New Member
May 12, 2011
D.J.T.;1814305 said:
OP, exactly how old are you?

I got pulled over once at 2A.M. The officer said i was "Swerving to the left." & I knew for a FACT i wasn't because i could tell the car behind me was a cruiser. so i was driving with caution & i was 100% sober.
Got pulled over & next thing i know 4 more patrol cars appear, total of 5 cars.... & they asked me where i was coming from & i said "the club" they did the sobriety test & i passed easily & they let me go.
Why i got pulled over? i was the only car in sight at 2 in the morning. What im trying to say is fear nothing if you know you haven't done anything wrong. The window tinting won't stop them from pulling you over.

& well i say hell yes, tint them windows. when my windows were clear i had a LOOOOT of Honda boys pull up soo close next to me. They would stare at me & nod their head at me gesturing "whats up" with the douche bag face on & try to race me...
It pissed me off because every single time they pulled next to me like that it felt like they were going to break off my mirrors. I believe window tinting helps hide whatever you have inside the car. anyone can look into clear windows without making themselves obvious. but if you want to look inside a car with tinted windows its going to be obvious.. so it helps against theft id say.

lol, all i keep hearing is VTEC kick in. I say give me the definition for VTEC. He say it pulls. lol Honda boys will never understand.
But yeah man, as long as you're doing nothing wrong, nothing can happen.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Nick M;1814291 said:
Yep. Our constitution, (the really good parts) is not followed. Things like equal protection of the law. Don't worry. You will have silver hair one day, and they will let you speed and pull the kid over in the Camaro. Not only is that illegal, it is immoral.
Could be worse... recent case here a guy got nailed for excessive noise and under the Hoon legislation his car was impounded, the story was he nailed it in 1st no loss of traction just let it run to the limiter short shifted to 3rd then got pulled over..

What makes it worse is his car was stolen from the "Secure impound" and no one is responsible... :nono:


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
IJ.;1814377 said:
What makes it worse is his car was stolen from the "Secure impound" and no one is responsible... :nono:

I hope that's a joke. If your car is in an impound by the "police," they are responsible. Why on Earth would they not be? Poor guy loosing his car over an insecure compound. A law suit soon?