Dug up some pics!


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
EDIT: Just remembered the build up section...my apologies. Please move for me if it's a prob!

While looking for hopeful sig media I found a bunch of pics of the car I forgot I had! Nothing fancy at all but just some pics of the supra :)

Quick history lesson...car started off as a auto/na and looked like this. Now this pic shows the very beginning of the sanding, yes the headlight was missing, yes that was the hood it had, and you can see a beautifully smashed quarter panel pass side with a ton of bondo!




Got the parts and new quarter...then paint time! Turned into this...


4 years ago as of next week...the 1JZ! Also somewhere between that and the 1JZ I picked up some 5 spokes off a 92.

Yup, I have a 89 but I am one of those really lucky people to have an early 89. See crossmember on floor!


About a year after that the car got punished by some very nasty hail. So did my fathers 300ZX. We decided to do the paint ourselves so we could buy new leather interior for both cars with what would normally be the labor part of the check! Here is a few shots of the Supra right after we did some priming.



Last edited:


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Oh, the Z too. This was the first car to be done. We did it in a paintbooth made of PVC pipes, plastic, and duct tape. Worked great but collapsed the next morning...

Finished primer in said booth.


What she turned out like all said and done...well some assembly required at this point anyways.



The booth itself. We had three fans. Two were blowing into a house's air filter, and one sucking out. This kept it pressurized helping it keep its shape and also reduced greatly the amount of dust particles we would later have to sand even.

Now some of the Supra's more recent pics after all said and done.







What you saw were the cliff notes for what has been nearly a 5 year father and son project. This was my first car when I was 16, I am 22 now and still have it. Yes, it's really not the same car anymore, alot of work has made that tired sorry NA turn into something I can still grin ear to ear whenever I see it or drive it. I loved the car ever since my Dad bought it. I was 14 at the time then and about a year later he made the decision to buy the Z and hand me down the Supra. 6 years later the love for the Supra hasn't changed and it's even more so now with what it has been through and how it helped my father and I build one hell of a friendship.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Wow, til that last picture, I was gonna ask how you turned the 300 into an FD!

I wish my son would have taken to the project that I bought for me and him to do.

Nice work, and beautiful cars, all of them.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Excellent! Great work, and I LOVE the paint booth! :)

Thread moved for ya. :)


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
ForcedTorque;1146433 said:
Wow, til that last picture, I was gonna ask how you turned the 300 into an FD!

I wish my son would have taken to the project that I bought for me and him to do.

Nice work, and beautiful cars, all of them.

Lol, well actually the Z hasn't made it out to Asheville yet. Those last couple pics were taken at a RX7 meet that my friend that owns the black FD wanted me to come out to.

Hopefully your son will get the bug. I hope in time when I have kids I will be able to do something like this with them. Man did I learn ALOT! First car I ever painted was the Supra and that skill set and everything that goes with it has proved to be very valuable.

shaeff;1146483 said:
Excellent! Great work, and I LOVE the paint booth! :)

Thread moved for ya. :)

Thanks! Unfortunately we are going to be painting the Supra AGAIN. Sisters psychotic ex boyfriend keyed the living crap out of the drivers side quarter panel. Deep enough to go to bare metal through 2 coats of primer, 3 coats of base, and 4 coats of clear. So yeah, booth 2.0 will not rely on PVC glue and duct tape for structural rigidity!


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
I was thinking of painting my car myself would you say it's worth it and would you say it's some what esay I mean I know 98% of the work is prep work.I have a crappy leaky garage and my drive way dose down hill do you think I would be able to do what you did?also what kind of paint gun did you use?


it finally runs!
Apr 22, 2006
C1 outer
you should run that guy's ass over before you paint it. Nice job on both cars. Love the black, can't wait to do mine in black.


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
MK3.0dudeman;1147048 said:
I was thinking of painting my car myself would you say it's worth it and would you say it's some what esay I mean I know 98% of the work is prep work.I have a crappy leaky garage and my drive way dose down hill do you think I would be able to do what you did?also what kind of paint gun did you use?

It can be easy but you have to learn the tricks when you mix, getting the air/material ratio right, and yes...PREP. We shot black and it came out damn good. It takes ALOT of work. Now as far as leaky, what exactly do you mean?

Being worth it, I would say definitely so. The paint job that my car has on it now you would pay a high quality body shop 1500 or more to do. We did it for about half that. We used Valspar products and I will never use another paint after it. The clearcoat is simply amazing. It looked as wet a week later as the day I laid down the last coat. Also it has a great ability to free flow (blend itself).

Yblegal91t;1147067 said:
you should run that guy's ass over before you paint it. Nice job on both cars. Love the black, can't wait to do mine in black.

Yeah, I wasn't thrilled at all but hey it's a good opportunity to shoot the whole car again and make it even better. Still want to kill him lol.


Supras are never 'done'
Apr 5, 2005
Bozeman, MT
Nice paint booth. I did the same thing but with 2x2's when I painted my (former) bike.

Looks like the paint came out great.


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Mr.PFloyd;1147867 said:
you guys paint other peoples cars? :)
Haha, haven't just yet.

mobes;1147879 said:
Nice paint booth. I did the same thing but with 2x2's when I painted my (former) bike.

Looks like the paint came out great.

It did. Without any wetsanding you had to get your eyes within about 6 inches to notice any orange peel. After wetsanding it turned out deeper and more glassy than any factory job I have seen yet. Took forever though that's for sure.


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
Ive seen quite a few home paint jobs before that ended up a nasty sight but you and your father did a great job, im guesing you both did your research before attempting it.So whats next for the 1jz?


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
mobes;1147879 said:
Nice paint booth. I did the same thing but with 2x2's when I painted my (former) bike.

Looks like the paint came out great.

wiseco7mgt;1148015 said:
Ive seen quite a few home paint jobs before that ended up a nasty sight but you and your father did a great job, im guesing you both did your research before attempting it.So whats next for the 1jz?

Tons, Dad had painted before but not with urathane based paint so there was a bit of learning on that end as far as mixture and adjusting the gun right. We also put down about 4 coats of primer and then block sanded the cars bumper to bumper 3 times. Also in between block sanding passes we used a "guide coat". you just take a cheap can of krylon and DUST the surface. Your low spots will remain spotted with krylon. Then re dust the car and do it again, eventually there won't be any spots that with hold the original dusting coat.

As far as the 1JZ just upgraded twins. I like twisties ALOT. I take a 4 hour drive into the mountains about 6 times a year to hand out with friends and have some fun on the roads. So I want smooth responsive power just like the CT12s offer, just more. If that makes much sense ha ha. After that, not too sure what the future holds for the Supra.


Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
MK3.0dudeman;1147048 said:
I was thinking of painting my car myself would you say it's worth it and would you say it's some what esay I mean I know 98% of the work is prep work.I have a crappy leaky garage and my drive way dose down hill do you think I would be able to do what you did?also what kind of paint gun did you use?

Oh yeah, btw...used a Devilbiss GT620..I know it's GT something. It's a HVLP gun...High Volume Low Pressure. Bit tricky to get used to so have a few things around you can paint for practice before you move on to the car. Very easy without the right technique to get massive sags and runs. I am proud to say the car is run free :) Took a while though to get it right. It is a fantastic gun but also the right tools to back it helps. We put two driers in line and one at the gun to make sure the air was as dry as possible and also ran the feed line through a cooler filled with ice water. That way it would help condense as much water as possible before hitting the driers. In between each load through the hopper we discharged those driers and between each coat on the car we replaced the one at the gun. This is a major thing to make sure you do!