drag racing with the targa


The Juggernaut has my old
I dont drag race with the top off because thats my preference there not strict at the local drag strip here with it.... and I have launched her without the top off before and the top went back on as smooth as ever so as my friend anthony......of course when i hit the 500rwhp mark I dont want to try it then but I rather have the top off than on but hey that just my preference..... she rides smooth and ive never notice any instability or anything out of the ordinary when i drive with the top off at any speed she rides just as good with the top off as she does with it on. what ever happened with the targa bars and does anyone have them if so how do you like them...


20G Boostin'
Apr 5, 2005
Canada, eh
i've never dragged with it off either, but i dont see how it could flex so much after a high speed run that it wouldnt be able to go back on... ive driven my car pretty damn hard with the targa off before and she still fits fine :)

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
Stretch said:
Alright, you guys are probably right about the flex issue. My targa wobbled noticeably at lower speeds and I always looked at the windshield moving back and forth, cause I couldn't see past it.
cramerizking, I'm around 6'11", so I do have some height on your friend. I found the supra to be the most comfortable car i've driven steadily. My Honda 91' prelude is roomy, but still smaller than the supra :)

Jesus man..do you get nose bleeds often?!

you and Justin...when the targa is off...does the wind hit ur eyes?


Celica All-trac Turbo
Mar 30, 2005
Stretch said:
Alright, you guys are probably right about the flex issue. My targa wobbled noticeably at lower speeds and I always looked at the windshield moving back and forth, cause I couldn't see past it.
cramerizking, I'm around 6'11", so I do have some height on your friend. I found the supra to be the most comfortable car i've driven steadily. My Honda 91' prelude is roomy, but still smaller than the supra :)

I'm barely 6' and my head hits the sunroof in my 91T. I have to lean the seat back more than is comfortable and drop the seat to its lowest position.

How on earth do you fit in there! I'd love to see a pic!


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
i was referring to dragging at the strip - its banned there. but when i do launches on the street (with the top down) it doesn't affect the car at all, from what i've seen. BUT i'm not putting out any big numbers, nor will I with the targa


Apr 1, 2005
Clearwater, FL
I’m not sure I would ever race with my top off. Driving around with the top off there is a noticeable different in the flexibility of the car. It’s actually annoying when going over small bumps or crappy roads.

At work today I parked out in the grass to stay away from the guys painting the building. Pull up on a slight hill and left the top off since no one messes with my car here. After lunch it looks like rain so I head out there to put the top on. Well it will not seat correctly and is off by approximately an inch, I pull it onto the flat road and I’m good to go. There is defiantly a shit load of body flex with the top off.