Doogie Howser


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
DreamerTheresa said:
I can't believe people actually think like this.

MDC--- for a moment, put all your religious conditioning aside. Aside from what your Bible tells you is wrong, what have you against homosexuals?

It's been proven that homosexuality happens in nature, too.

I'm of the mindset that they don't have to flaunt it. I'm also of the mindset that heterosexuals don't have to flaunt their sexuality, either.

Do you really think that the world is going to end because of homosexuals?

All religion asside - yes homosexuality will ruin any species. It isn't proven in any species except for humans unless your talking to a Darwin evolution promoter.

Most "homosexuality" found in nature is that of amphibians which can switch sexes based on the current gene pool.

If you want to get real real real cave man basic - a society or species sole existance is to reproduce, multiply and expand.

If every thing turned homosexual, then reproduction would cease to exist - unless you plan on playing God. Then which you have women having babies, and men giving sperm, so why not have some fun doing it like nature intended in the first place?

And Mike, this has nothing to do with the things done in the "Name of my God."

The fact is that Saddam and Gomorrah rose and then fell due to the outrageous debauchery and homosexuality that was running rampant in thier society.

The same will be true for the United States and any other country that turns a blind eye to it - "Oh its ok if you do it, as long as it doesn't affect me."

It may not happen right now, today, or tomorrow - but any civilization who accepts, adopts and out right bends over backwards to accept homosexuality will crumble and fall with major problems and pitfalls along the way.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
MDC, I'm going to have to go against you on this one.
Its a proven scientific fact, that homosexuality is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
As for people being Bi. Well thats their choice, but if your going to sit there and say that homosexuality is going to ruin America because we are turning a blind eye to it, is complete utter bullshit. I don't think straight guys are going to go, O its Ok to be a homo now. I think I will become one. I'll stick with women.
Population control? its just that many less people being born.
We are going to run out of natural resources some day.

The USA isn't going to fall because of homos buddy. Its going to crumble because religion takes part in the government.
We have retarded and uninformed politicians.
and Companies that are trying to make the almighty dollar, and will do anything to make it, will ruin america. Not homos

You saying these things, is like the 60's and civil rights.
Blame the people with a different color of skin.

Think it over man.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
Gays wouldn't phrase it like that (as if they had some sort of illness). But they would agree that there tends to be a genetic component to homosexuality. And this genetic component could very well create a different brain chemistry...

You wouldn't say that people with green eyes have a "chemical inbalance" compared to those with blue eyes...


New Member
Mar 13, 2006
MDCmotorsports said:
Most "homosexuality" found in nature is that of amphibians which can switch sexes based on the current gene pool.
Actually if you think of any animal, it's likely been documented to have engaged in homosexual activity. Both males and females. Many species of birds, monkeys, baboons, sheep, goats, dogs ect. Even the mighty kink, I mean king, of the jungle has been seen taking it in the rear.
Years ago in elementary school I had a friend who hated taking his dog for a walk. It would always try to do things, unatural things, to the other male dogs. The look on the poor dogs faces, Ha ha, it was freakin Halarious. That dog embarassed him so much, It still makes me laugh.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ true, but I was trying to say its not like they do it because they want to piss off all the religious people who are against it.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
You sure are a pretty man Kwnate....................:love:

To each his own. That's all I got to say about that...................

Edit: Just for the record, I am not gay. On a scale of 1 - 10. 10 being like Richard Simmons. I'm like a three or four, but you've got to admit Nate is a pretty, pretty man...............:biglaugh:

Hopefully you can see the humor in that.
Jun 6, 2006
kwnate said:
I don't like people who are gay, I think its wrong.

flamesuit is on buttheads :evil2:

I can't flame you for this statement, as you've posted an opinion which is fine.

I don't like yuppy white women who drive SUVs and own Louis Vouttan. Or however the hell you spell his name.

But to be so ignorant as to say that we're contributing to some fictional collapse of society because we tolerate homosexuality... How stupid can you be?


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
I don't like gays, but I'm very tolerant off them. I'm not outwardly hateful towards them and I can even talk to them. But I disagree with their decisions and consider it wrong.

I'm stupid for other reasons.

SH, I don't think you're gay because you think I'm hot. Its a known fact :biglaugh:


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
DreamerTheresa said:
But to be so ignorant as to say that we're contributing to some fictional collapse of society because we tolerate homosexuality... How stupid can you be?

About as "ignorant" to think that illegals do all the jobs you don't want to and they are ok in our society because "they don't hurt/bother you."

Wake the f@#k up.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Try going to a construction site and not find illegals. It's not goint to happen. Luckily the people around my city refuse to use them. Otherwise I might be out of a job, or have to really cut my labor prices. If I had to do that I wouldn't be able to drive my supra. I'd have to have something reliable..................:biglaugh:

I'm speaking only about my neck of the woods when I say try going to a construction site. I don't know about other states other than Alabama.
Jun 6, 2006
MDCmotorsports said:
About as "ignorant" to think that illegals do all the jobs you don't want to and they are ok in our society because "they don't hurt/bother you."

Wake the f@#k up.

When have I ever advocated illegal immigrants?

YOU sir, are the one who needs to wake the fuck up.

edit: no more taquila for me.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
About as "ignorant" to think that illegals do all the jobs you don't want to and they are ok in our society because "they don't hurt/bother you."

Wake the f@#k up.

Illegal aliens do hurt/bother me. That's why I want them out.

I've made that rather clear in this thread.

Homosexuals however are a different story.

There's no reason, sense or intelligence behind your statements.

You can't come up with a logical or factual argument to support your position.

Your are just speaking the party line because it is what you have been programmed to do.

You are a religious zealot, it's obvious to the rest of us, you aren't fooling anyone.

Just admit it.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Supracentral said:
Illegal aliens do hurt/bother me. That's why I want them out.

I've made that rather clear in this thread.

Homosexuals however are a different story.

There's no reason, sense or intelligence behind your statements.

You can't come up with a logical or factual argument to support your position.

Your are just speaking the party line because it is what you have been programmed to do.

You are a religious zealot, it's obvious to the rest of us, you aren't fooling anyone.

Just admit it.

You sir crack me up.

First, how will you react when your personal heterosexual freedoms are taken from you because a gay person is in office?

How will you react when your kid(s) get "....look, daddies penis goes into daddies ass hole. These daddies don't have a mommy. Little Jimmy knows whos catcher, and who is pitcher. Someday, he's going to grow up to be a big unit catcher himself just like his daddies." in the classroom?

And me programed?

You sir need to think twice about sweet talking and sugar coating the "open mindness / free thinking" phrase / ideology your generation - which I might add was and still is the biggest spoonfull of bullshit fed in the College classroom, MTV, media, and society today.

If Im a religious programed "zealot", then you sir are the largest closed minded, deprogramed, cynic, disbelieving Atheist I have ever met or chatted with.

People like you are the first ones to believe (deep announcer voice) "SCIENTIFIC FACT" and then when all hell breaks loose you look to your science, wonder WTF, and then "rationalize" another "scientific theory" of why the first solution didn't work.

I take pitty on your sir. I enjoy reading your political views. I shall pray for you tonight, and your mistress.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
If you two can't keep it civil, then I will be forced to lock this thread.............:biglaugh:

We just have to agree to disagree. I'm not wanting to get in the middle of a two sided conversation, so I won't, but we can't all think exactly alike. Where would the fun be in that?