Dont know what to do with myself anymore


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Best thing is to get a job...

You will meet new friends at work and you could go out with them and do stuff. Or if there is something you ever wanted to study, you could study it at a local will make friends in college...

My boss is 80 years old and alone but he remembers all the complex mathematical equations and formulae and all his engineering stuff he learnt.
He knows if he stays home and does nothing his mind will fade and when that happens so will his body. As long as his mind and brain is occuppied with the engineering work that he loves, he keeps on getting up and enjoying work. He does not need to work because he is a multi-millionaire but he still does it.
And he goes out meeting with his own school mates and other buddies.

Remember there is a more than a million things to do..Pick one you like and just go do it...Action...


suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
tte said:
Best thing is to get a job...

You will meet new friends at work and you could go out with them and do stuff. Or if there is something you ever wanted to study, you could study it at a local will make friends in college...

My boss is 80 years old and alone but he remembers all the complex mathematical equations and formulae and all his engineering stuff he learnt.
He knows if he stays home and does nothing his mind will fade and when that happens so will his body. As long as his mind and brain is occuppied with the engineering work that he loves, he keeps on getting up and enjoying work. He does not need to work because he is a multi-millionaire but he still does it.
And he goes out meeting with his own school mates and other buddies.

Remember there is a more than a million things to do..Pick one you like and just go do it...Action...


That's awesome. I run into a lot of older people taking some of my engineering classes just for fun. I have loads of respect for that kinda of shit.


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
tte said:
Best thing is to get a job...

You will meet new friends at work and you could go out with them and do stuff. Or if there is something you ever wanted to study, you could study it at a local will make friends in college...

My boss is 80 years old and alone but he remembers all the complex mathematical equations and formulae and all his engineering stuff he learnt.
He knows if he stays home and does nothing his mind will fade and when that happens so will his body. As long as his mind and brain is occuppied with the engineering work that he loves, he keeps on getting up and enjoying work. He does not need to work because he is a multi-millionaire but he still does it.
And he goes out meeting with his own school mates and other buddies.

Remember there is a more than a million things to do..Pick one you like and just go do it...Action...


lol,, thanks all,
I'm not a bum,
I got a job/career.
in my line of work, in 06 i worked a whole 24 wks out or the yr,
in 05 i worked a whole 18 weeks.

its just the way my profession is.. the rest of the yr I get laid off...
an collect unenployment
an getting a job on the side, , sorry, I know what you all said about unenployment,,, but in my line of work, , I need my unenplloyment.
aint doing without it...



Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
start drawing...

I was bored in 10th grade, and drew all of geometry class, that's when I found out I wasn't half bad..

I got a D, but ended up going from a beginner's summer-school Art 1A class to AP (Advanced placement) in 3 weeks...

I also make money on the side doing it, such as requests and my CafePress shop, and donations for the little mini Supras and stuff..


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
omg yes.

photoshop is more addicting to me than drawing ever was. I've been drawing since I was 3 years old, good drawings too, not your typical 3yr old. garbage.

there is SO much you can do w/ PS and you get addicted fast, always trying to perfect yourself. PS takes up about 70% of my day, whether I am doing a sig for someone, or designing new stuff for cafepress

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Same here, but photography isn't far from drawing and thats something everyone can do(talent-wise, at least).

Pic up a mid range digital(Canon s2-is or s3-is) if you can afford one and photograph everything around you. If i could i would do that all day. Then start messin with Photoshop to your hearts content. - 350-400 bucks and you're in!

Anyone catch my play on words? huh? c'mon its a good one!

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
willfish said:

things might prolly be different for me if i can still convience the X to come back to be , an nat......


Problem here. You've got to make yourself happy first. It's unrealistic to expect somebody else to be your source of happiness, and an unfair expectation of her, too.

Dude, put the bottle down, get outside and involve yourself in a hobby or volunteer work that will get you involved with people and give you a source of purpose. It's not an easy thing to do when you're depressed, but it's something you will need to do to break free of it.


나는 제프가 당신을 사랑
Aug 16, 2005
North Vernon, IN
Shytheed Dumas said:
Problem here. You've got to make yourself happy first. It's unrealistic to expect somebody else to be your source of happiness, and an unfair expectation of her, too.

Dude, put the bottle down, get outside and involve yourself in a hobby or volunteer work that will get you involved with people and give you a source of purpose. It's not an easy thing to do when you're depressed, but it's something you will need to do to break free of it.

agree 100% Kirt, I have never been out of a job since I started working more then a month, usually after a week I'm going crazy and start getting depressed.

Just reading your description was making me depressed, everything you are doing is depressing, you must see that?

Working isn't always fun but wasn't it better then the life you are leading now?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
willfish said:
lol,, thanks all,
I'm not a bum,
I got a job/career.
in my line of work, in 06 i worked a whole 24 wks out or the yr,
in 05 i worked a whole 18 weeks.

its just the way my profession is.. the rest of the yr I get laid off...
an collect unenployment
an getting a job on the side, , sorry, I know what you all said about unenployment,,, but in my line of work, , I need my unenplloyment.
aint doing without it...


sounds like you need a new career...unless you like the way you are feeling now with nothing at all to do more than half the year.
and its not like you dont have the time to go back to school the end its up to you to change the way you feel.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Or use your left hand and reach around from behind your leg and invert your hand so your thumb is close to your sack. Accomplishes the same thing as bigaaron's suggestion.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
willfish said:
man, I am going crazy here, I am so lack there of motivation anymore. I dont wanna do anything,

my daily routine is this.

get out of bed about anywhere from 11 am to 2 pm,
sit around look at mail, email, p*ssy on internet then just sit here,
play my guitars alittle,,
then maybe got to the grociery store to ghet something to eat. eat anywhere between 6- 8 pm
sit around some more, ,,
start drinking anywhere from 9 to 11 pm, till about 6 am. while playing my guitars thinking about life , checking emails an looking at p*ssy
then do the same thing the next day,

specially since its winter here, ,, cant play on the boat, cant play with the supra.
I leave agin for work the 7th of march, then I go cold turkey on the booze.. till I get laid off again the beginning of May....

Besides the drinking part, sounds awesome to me! I love not working.