I love how people call this a load of crap because THEIR dog hasn't gotten sick from doing the same thing. It is not a load of crap, in fact, this wasn't even news to me. My sister is a veterinarian and she has experienced a similar case first-hand.
Not all dogs are going to react the same way to something. There are breed characteristics and even within a breed each dog is very different (let's not forget mutts either).
Just look at people, we are not all going to get sick from the same things. Our bodies can cope with toxic substances in different ways. One person's chemistry may allow them to recover from a large toxic dose, while somebody else may not.
It seems like instead of calling this a load of crap, pet owners would just take it for what it is - advice. Any good pet owner would try to protect their pet from raisins JUST IN CASE this might be true.
After all, the recent pet food problems caused many deaths from renal failure, but not every dog who was eating the food got sick, and some recovered. So does that mean if you have one of the lucky dogs that survived there was nothing wrong with the food?