Dont buy ebay oil lines, hid's or arm rest covers!!!!


Feb 18, 2006
chi town and ohio
I hope someone reads this and Learns from my wasted money. I like to support our vendors don't get me wrong as I just spent $1,600 with azp on some brakes. (hope they will be good) The my point is that I didn't want or "feel" like paying 150 for some simple lines and then pay $16 in shipping. That $166 for oil lines that aren't leaking in my case. It seems like wayyyy too much for me. The flange looks soooo nice but the an lines lines to me. Ok back to my point, I found some on e bay for 60ish from a no name company. The pics look like they would work and everything and even comes with ss lines for the coolant. cant loose right. Wrong doing some work on my wast gate and gonna try them out. The return flange is a lil off. (no biggie i can make the holes bigger) The main thing was the feed line banjo bolt was way too small. So use stock stuff or spend the $160 to be the boss.

Ok now on the armrest cover. Our cars are old and most of us arnt even the 3rd owner of the car. (sad I know) but My arm rest was starting to show its age aka that yellow stuff was coming out and got in my eye when I put the window down almost crashing. So I said no more. Thinking I should do the carbon fiber one, Looked in the fs. here nodda, then I tried to find the company zankou and hes gone then the carbon guy but they changed their name and got vendor stuff suspended. (no idea what that is about) so to ebay it was. Found 1 for 20 ish. Cool Im thinking now my gf wont talk shit about my yellow stuff. Got it in gonna put it on and to find out I need glue and clamps and what not. I'm not really a int guy so i don't have the skill to stretch leather and glue and clamp. (medical) It did say in the add that its only a cover so I cant be too mad but I wish It would have said you need to do all this to make it work. The person offers that they install it for you for and extra 20 plus shipping, and probbly a 2wk turnaround time. So for 20 Im not too mad. Its not like that would get me any gas anyway. ($4.40 a gal for 87).

The hid's Not really that bad. Works fine with new housing and all you need for 100. I got the black housing tho :nono: Thinking I would be cool like hey my supra has eyes. sooo dumb. Why do you ask I like most mk3 owner drive with the lights down and when they are up the lights are on and you cant see the detail. The black housing suck up alot of light. So this is not a ebay fault its all mine but just beware. I think I might get the clear housing just to make them better.
So I guess Just learn from my money spent bec everyday a sucker is born so dont let it be you just spend it or stay stock. Also with that said I have had great things from ebay but just somethings arnt.


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I bought oil lines from california-hoseempire on ebay end they fit perfect and seem like good quality. The oil feed line kit cost me $36 shipped. Maybe try out that guy.

I don't always buy stuff on ebay, but when I do, I prefer sellers who are small volume and have detailed item descriptions that don't have conflicting info in them. Every time I've bought from a place with a poorly written item description I was disappointed, and high volume places (other than summit or jegs) tend to lose or screw up orders.

Maybe try taking your armrest to a local furniture repair shop and see if they'll put the cover on for you.

No comment on the HID's.


New Member
May 12, 2011
I stopped buying from ebay after I got suckered ordering some lowering springs. One week later the vendor disappeared from the earth.


Apr 5, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
At least you didn't buy the $80 carbon fiber wrapped arm rest on eBay, I laugh every time I see those awful things, and people keep buying them!

Nothing wrong with eBay, become a bit knowledgeable on the product you're purchasing and you won't be duped.


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
It's going to cost a pretty penny, but I got my last set of HID from Their HID kits are street legal and have excellent beam cutoff, and the ones I used on my old Datsun Z car were from Sylvania and worked great. Granted I know most people probably don't want to drop ~$660 on a set of lights (at the time they were that price, don't know about now), but they were 100x better than the stock sealed beams.


New Member
Feb 7, 2012
I can vouch for those ebay oil lines being absolute rubbish! the diameter on the return line is about half the original and it was also way too long!!. flange didnt fit the block either without being redrilled.

kando_dynamic is the seller,, the thing is,, i dont know why he has such a good seller rating, how can someone that sells rubbish get a 100% good track record.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
just started using ebay again this year and after 15 transactions not 1 complaint. You have to read exactly what they are selling, if you have any questions ASK them, if there are no warranties and you cant find anything else on ebay ASK EVEN MORE questions, any doubt don't buy, move on to the next.. Thats what i do.

I've sold a few parts recently on ebay and i try to describe what is needed with my items best i can. Even when i think it got it all covered i STILL get questions, no biggie i am here to help the possible buyers.