does it irritate anyone else when people use improper grammar?



supra90turbo said:
^ what's with that guy? anyway, what bothers me in this forum or any others, naturally, is a general noncompliance with grammar, spelling, but most importantly, punctuation. i hate it when stories go on for hours. you dont know where they begin or end, and typically when you point it out to the offending person, they get all up in arms about it. they act like it doesnt matter and YOU'RE wasting THEIR time by posting that it's unreadable.

now, before anyone says anything, i realize i dont use proper capitalization. it doesnt really matter as far as i can see. i believe i convey my thoughts quite well, thank you. :p

carry on folks.

say what?

also..i have no special friends... But I live by the creed "keep your friends near, and your enemies nearer.."


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
simply because. i really planned on going to bed... but i am learning how to become a hacker on the inter-net tonight. that and illegally modify my car for auto-tag.....

on another note, rice krispy treats.

CPT Furious

Mar 30, 2005
I love pickles!

Grammar - CHECK
Spelling - CHECK
Punctuation - CHECK

::Wipes sweat off forehead::

I live to fight another day! :)


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I believe that proper grammar is one of the keys to keeping credibility and a good reputation on the internet. Now this may not matter to many, but I plan to stick around in the Supra community and would like to retain a positive image. Nobody will believe a tech write-up from a moron, and nobody will want to read a kill story from an idiot.

Aside from improper grammar, does it irritate anyone when people constantly speak a foreign language around you? I am in the United States military, but for some reason I hear different languages spoken around base at times. These are not spy/linguist types who are practicing for their job, either. There are some people in this country who cannot speak any english. It makes me think "You came here to the land of freedom and opportunity, and you won't even learn the language? You are just a freeloader who will give nothing back to society to make this nation greater. Get OUT!"


Boost Addict
drunk_medic said:
I believe that proper grammar is one of the keys to keeping credibility and a good reputation on the internet. Now this may not matter to many, but I plan to stick around in the Supra community and would like to retain a positive image. Nobody will believe a tech write-up from a moron, and nobody will want to read a kill story from an idiot.

Aside from improper grammar, does it irritate anyone when people constantly speak a foreign language around you? I am in the United States military, but for some reason I hear different languages spoken around base at times. These are not spy/linguist types who are practicing for their job, either. There are some people in this country who cannot speak any english. It makes me think "You came here to the land of freedom and opportunity, and you won't even learn the language? You are just a freeloader who will give nothing back to society to make this nation greater. Get OUT!"

:withstupi 100%

One of the greatest things that annoys me when I read someone's post is incorrect usage of a word. Spelling, perfect grammer, etc., I can let slide without much concern. Stuff done in "leet speak" or ebonics is generally so difficult to logic out, I'll just skip/ignore it. But the word usage is enough to really make me want to smack some people sometimes :rant: -- like when they use "break" instead of "brake". Yeah, I know it's a small thing, and I can (most of the time) tell what is meant, but I figured, since we're complaining.........


Madd Tyte JDM yo ®
Apr 2, 2005
st. pete, fl
yeah, i too am annoyed by people who come to my country and take up unskilled labor that could be better used to employ our native bums. lets face it, its a fact of life that not everyone goes to college, tech school or even graduates highschool. these people arent complete waste's of life because we need janitors and other unskilled laborers. we need people that can fill the positions that do not require GED's, or college diplomas. without those people, there would be no one make our burgers or tacos, or take our phone calls at service centers, or change our oil or practically anything customer service related. its hard enough keeping our OWN "Dead beats" employed let alone "deadbeats" from other countries. when foreigners come to our country, they can at least do us the favor of speaking OUR language. when WE go to other countries, we are completely disrespected and shat upon if we dont speak their language. if you went to spain or france or germany, they would definitly give you the brush-off if you werent able to communicate coherently.

and im also irked when people are too dumb to comprehend that slang and slurred words are not REAL... like the "could of" "should of", "i hope i dont brake my HG". "Your a jabroni". people who cant carry on a legit conversation cant possibly hope to entertain any sort of credibility or respect for that matter.

its hard to respect people who cant even speak properly, let alone take them seriously. it just conveys the thought that they are uneducated and uncouthe and thus, any information they DO have isnt trustworthy or accurate.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
flubyux2 said:
if you went to spain or france or germany, they would definitly give you the brush-off if you werent able to communicate coherently.
don't be too sure about that.... it's actually a problem we are also facing in Germany. there are many immigrants from Turkey and from the middle east who are mostly working as cleaners or trash collectors and speak hardly a few words german. that doesn't exactly contribute to their popularity either.


Flub, as I recall most small business owners lack a college degree, or a degree in the business feild for that matter.


Madd Tyte JDM yo ®
Apr 2, 2005
st. pete, fl
well there is an occasional individual who makes it past $10/hr jobs w/o having a diploma or degree. but its not the standard. highschool kids think "hey, dave thomas invented wendy's and he was super mega rich. if he can do it, why should i go to college?" just because one person can do it doesnt mean all persons can do it.

and my friend has been to europe and the natives dont show any semblance of respect if you cant speak their language. we are WAY more tolerant of immigrants that cant speak english than they are to immigrants/tourists who cant speak their languages.


wastegate hose is pulled
Mar 30, 2005
Long Island, NY
The only thing that really pisses me off on the forums is when people make proclamations as to something technical when they actually have no clue WTF they are talking about.

Grammar? Meh, as long as I can get the drift of what a person is attempting to communicate, I could care less.


flubyux2 said:
well there is an occasional individual who makes it past $10/hr jobs w/o having a diploma or degree. but its not the standard. highschool kids think "hey, dave thomas invented wendy's and he was super mega rich. if he can do it, why should i go to college?" just because one person can do it doesnt mean all persons can do it.

and my friend has been to europe and the natives dont show any semblance of respect if you cant speak their language. we are WAY more tolerant of immigrants that cant speak english than they are to immigrants/tourists who cant speak their languages.

perhaps you misread me. A majority of small business owners have no college diploma, let alone one in business or related areas...

There is nothing wrong with not persuing a college diploma..and there is nothing wrong with being a garbage man, if you are a happy person making a garbage man's salary...not working weekends..and can seperate your work from life..who's to say that is wrong..or unacceptable..or any less worthy of our appreciation.

Often times the Wisest Man is not the smartest..


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i get annoyed when people flame other people bcause they are different.
language, ethnicity, age, or personality shouldnt matter

soon you guys are gonna be using terms like towel heads, wops and wetbacks,

and on the grammar thing, so what it doesnt help to diss, btw wut happened to nashmanthedrunkenmaster,

i noticed his spelling right away but i didnt care cus he atleast knew what he was talking about.