Does daddy ever let you drive it by yourself?


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
dugums;927691 said:
Yes, but your dad gave a great handling SLOW car :icon_bigg. Plus, if you die, you won't take 80k worth of car with you.

I kid, I kid :sarcasm:

I think you probably know better than most that once you drive on a track, nothing else compares. That's one of the realities of saving your excitement for the track, it makes you realize how unsafe people are racing/showboating/whatever anywhere else.

That's precisely why I have my Supra - it's a great touring car. It drives, accelerates and handles perfectly for what I actually use it for.

Yeah I know what you mean. Track driving is so much better then speeding around on the streets, I love not worrying about cops and stuff. Oh and I was joking about the car not being mine haha.. kinda.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
what i really hated about one guy at my old work would say oh how he "has a 500 hp evo" blah blah blah all these other cars he and his shop has and im just thinking "why the fuck are you at target taking old fruits out and replacing them with new ones? didnt know 7$ an hour was that rewarding"

so its more like claiming other peoples cars are his when they arent he is just stuck bumming rides from people until he can afford something arghhhh its endless

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
New M5 = sex on wheels.

18 yr old with M5, hell even me at 21 with an M5 = STUPIDEST MISTAKE EVER.

I swear, most kids should have a 200hp limit until they're at least 21. Save that shit for the track...


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
DreamerTheresa;927645 said:
I get bent about this plenty. Some douchenozzle will ask when daddy or boyfriend or husband bought my car for me.
Give them an evil smile and tell them you earned it on your back from your daddy, and yes, you are that fucking good. It'll bug them for weeks. :evil2:

suprarx7nut;928142 said:
18 yr old with M5, hell even me at 21 with an M5 = STUPIDEST MISTAKE EVER.
Well, actually, no, I've seen some shit that tops this by several orders of magnitude. Like the kid in my high school grad class way back when who popped a wheelie in front of the school on his Kawasaki superbike, wearing no helmet, and crashed hard. Killed instantly. Or the guy we watched pick a fight with a bouncer in a biker strip bar. Or Scientology. Or Uwe Boll films.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
GrimJack;928259 said:
Well, actually, no, I've seen some shit that tops this by several orders of magnitude. Like the kid in my high school grad class way back when who popped a wheelie in front of the school on his Kawasaki superbike, wearing no helmet, and crashed hard. Killed instantly. Or the guy we watched pick a fight with a bouncer in a biker strip bar. Or Scientology. Or Uwe Boll films.

You're right. It's not the stupidest.

I completely forgot about Scientology. :D


New Member
May 22, 2005
savannahashlee;927554 said:
I am not kidding.. He even told his "Fraudance" err Fiancee that I was giving them the white supra as a wedding gift.. She promptly told me she would be trading it in for either a Mini-Cooper or a Miata... I was like "Uhm, yeah.. about that... wake the fuck up, you're not getting my car".... then that was followed by being yelled at by my father

my dad loves my cars, but thank god he doesn't go that far. my dad is actually the one who got me started on the mk3 supra. i was car shopping back in early 2002...pops was helping. he brought up the idea of a mk3 and the more i researched them the more i fell in love w/them. it wasn't long before i had to have one. we were looking around on and up pops a pic of a 89+ supra. he yells out "thats my car". he has loved these cars for a long time. i gave him a funny look and reminded him we were looking for me unless there was something he had forgotten to mention. 2-3 weeks later i got my first supra (not my first car, just my first supra). he tried to con me into trading w/him for a little while. i told him i loved his car and would love to drive it from time to time but there was no way i was trading.

in mid 2005 i went w/him to go look at a 87t...he took it for a test drive. he was on an on ramp in the top of 3rd gear w/a grin from ear to ear. he was gonna buy it and then sell it b/c he figured he could make a decent profit. i saw that look on his face, that grin and that sparkle in his eye...i looked at him and told him i didn't believe he would sell it. he did let it go, but not out of the family. i ended up trading him my 89 n/a all white package targa 5spd for that 87t. i didn't wanna let go of my 89, but it was the smart decision to make at the time. my b/f who had moved to arizona a month prior knew of the trade and why i traded (he was part of the reason)...he also knew that i was having a very hard time parting w/my 89 n/a. he bought it back from my dad b/c he knew how much i loved that car. my dad use to find any excuse he could to take my cars out for a drive whenever he could get away w/it.

my b/f ended up getting into an accident w/my 89 n/a just this past december 3 blocks from our place. my dad moved back to michigan that same month so i now have the 87t and his old car. i told him 4 yrs ago that if he ever thought about giving it up that i wanted first dibs b/c i really liked his car and didn't wanna let it out of the family. the car is mine, though i hope to give it back to him one day all fixed up the way he would want it. it was his baby. my hope is drop in a built motor (something that he can have some fun w/but still pass smog at the drop of a hat), re sand, repaint, get rid of any rust, do a few upgrades here and there. i wanna build him something he can enjoy for yrs to way of saying thank u for all he has done for me over the yrs. father is 61 and his car which i now own was not stock when i got it. he knows where almost every if not every performance shop is in town. he knew the definition of "RICE" w/o me having to tell him. and i have only seen him go the speed limit once in my entire life. if he gets behind u and u are doing below 80 he will start cursing, switch to an open lane and floor it. lol


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Well, the Supra is my dad's actually :D When someone says/ask, whether it's mine, I always say it's my dad's. :D Don't like to show off that way...


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
DegreE;927584 said:

/end thread

savannahashlee;927641 said:
True that to Nick Hogan

Lol. That would get you banned on SF. How dare you make fun of Nick!

Regarding the BMW tragedy...that one girl summed it up. "They were stupid".


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
I take my dads 55 Belair out sometimes. People will ask me about it, ill tell them becasue i know pretty much everything about the car that my dad does. Then they ask how long ive owned it and then i tell them it my dads. No one has ever said "oh thats very honest of you" Its always " man, youve got the keys, you could have fooled me" or "shit, i wouldnt tell anyone that" I just dont see the point. If they like the car they are going to remember it, then they are going to see it at one of the many car shows my dad takes his car to, and that person is going to see it an figure out im a liar. Why lie about it? besides, i got a killer supra at home


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
gtsfirefighter;928472 said:
Lol. That would get you banned on SF. How dare you make fun of Nick!

Regarding the BMW tragedy...that one girl summed it up. "They were stupid".

Uh... I have every right too.. I spent most of my early to mid childhood around him and his sister.. His parents are good people, that gave him too much slack.. Nicky boy couldnt do anything wrong..


Sep 29, 2006
Sydney, AU
DreamerTheresa;927645 said:
I get bent about this plenty. Some douchenozzle will ask when daddy or boyfriend or husband bought my car for me.

HAha that must be a classic... acceptable once or twice but if you get it often enough it would frustrate you I assume. :)

Sad story about that M5 driver, but then again if they were watching too much Top Gear they don't realise that they are trained professionals performing what they do in a controlled environment with a definite set of variables such as "Runway Strip Length" etc... these guys... the driver namely... just purely idiotic.

Too much Fast and the Furious for these kids.. and thats the problem, FNF makes an Arcade Racing game look like a Simulator if you go by the movie. It's not. Closest racing sim I have driven is Enthusia Professional Racing on PS2 with steering wheel setup, whoever I have had jump on that car and think they are king dingaling instantly go for the first wall... not something you'd experience in need for speed say? doing 200mph and turning 90degree'ers.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
AF1JZ;928150 said:
Hell, even some kids are too stupid to have 200hp.

you should see the local meets, hondas with gsr's swaps driving like idiots acting like their car is the fastest thing in the world heh


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Trust me, I know TLO... I get it all the time here.. I hate driving my car at night on weekends.. I almost got into a wreck a couple weekends idiot in a prelude came up on my ass and almost hit me