Mine smells like 93 octane with 30% toulene added in... It's 111.4f on my back portch, and 103.1 in the shaded front portch, so it's dang hot here, and my whole garage smells like gas, oil and other "automotive" products... LOL
Generally since I have 80's classic cut to fit 1" sheepskins, my car always smells like a wet dog, or sheep if you swing that way... (You Montana boys know what I'm talking about....)
Fabreze is really amazing stuff. Those of us with kids have found this out the hard way..... Look it's a really winding road... (Then you forget your 1 year old is strapped in the back...) 10 min later, and your clipping apex's with the best of them and you hear this "uff, uck, pleck! sounds... Look over your shoulder and yep, she's barfing on the rear of your passenger seat, and pretty much anywhere else she looks... Lucky for me, I used to carry around a stack of terry cloth towels to dry my car off... they were sacrificed to the barf god that day, and buried along side the road under a few rocks...
Nothing beats baby vomit smell... Except shampoo, lots of fabreze and open windows all the way home in 50f weather...