Doc's Viper Vs Doc's Gixxer


T-virus infected
Here is a vid my buddy Doc made aka my dentist, racing his bike.
He has 2 vipers. His TT Viper which is in the vid and his 06 Viper along with a few other toys he has. A rumor went around that a gixxer 600 put a hurting on his TT viper.. Well to put the rumor to rest he along with a friend decided to run the viper agianst the gixxer. here is the results.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Cool Ass Dentist! And musical taste is dead on too.

BTW was Boost recently at The Wharf in Orange Beach for the Live/Collective Soul concert? There was a very nice Viper there in that same outfit if not.


T-virus infected
possibly. he does travel all over the U.S. for shows, meets, and what not. He was at the Texas meet this year. Also use to have a 900hp white 97 targa, auto.

Really good guy was going to sell me a Tremec T-56 6spd on the cheap but the cost to get it to work was too much compared to say a th400 swap.

edit the tag on the car is BOOOST
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